• Children's Christmas Service 2023
  • Skogen Christmas Sing Along Dec 21,2024
  • Children accompany worship songs
  • Kids Konnect Christmas Presentation


Thank you for visiting our website!  We invite you to attend our live Worship Service here at Isle Evangelical Free Church or online using this YouTube link - Isle Evangelical Free Church 

Sunday School 9:00 A.M.   Worship Service 10:30 A.M.

The Isle Evangelical Free website will give you information concerning our church and its ministries. We hope you find your time spent here a blessing. Our church is a warm and loving church, and we want you to feel comfortable and at liberty to call on us for anything you need. Feel free to browse through the various areas of our website and learn about our fellowship.



    Sunday Bulletin

    Click on the "Sunday Bulletin" LINK ABOVE to see information in the Sunday Bulletin





    All profits will go towards the Isle Evangelical Free Church's building fund! 

    $30 per person or $50 per couple
    When:   Sunday, February 16 - 6:00 p.m.
    Where:  The Emmon's Barn, 13584 280th Pl, Isle, MN   56342

    ***Semi-formal event.  A full meal and dessert will be provided, silent and live auction and photo booth. Join us just for the fun and/or to help support this fund.  

  • Worship and Fellowship Opportunities

    Sunday Events
    9:00 a.m.    Adult Sunday School
    10:30 a.m.  Worship Service
                       Nursery Services 6 Weeks - 2 Years
                       Children's Church 2 Years through Grade 4
                       Worship Services followed by Coffee Fellowship
    6:00 p.m.    Youth Group

  • Men's Prayer Breakfast

    Men of the community are invited to join us every other Saturday for a Men's Prayer Breakfast in the Church Fellowship Area. Come and enjoy great community discussions and prayer around God's Word, complimented with a delicious breakfast.   

    Please refer to the calendar for specific dates. 

  • Adult Bible Studies

    Please join us at Isle Evangelical Free Church every Tuesday for opportunities for Bible Study, Prayer and Fellowship. 

    10:00 a.m. Women's Prayer and Bible Study
    10:00 a.m. Men's Bible Study
    7:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study