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- Home
- Our Beliefs
- Prayer
- Daily Devotion Sermon Nuggets
- - Person from God. - Matthew 12:18.
- A Bruised Reed. - Matt.12:14-24.
- The Good News - John 15:15-20
- Deceptions - Mark 1:5-8
- Signs Of Jesus’ Second Coming - Mark 13:1-8
- Facing Persecution - Matthew 10:17-25
- Prophecy - Matthew 10:17-25
- Instructions for His Disciples - Matthew 10:9-16
- Making Jesus Known. - Matthew 10:5-8.
- Sent On a Mission - Matthew 10:5-18
- Sharing Christ - Matthew 10:1-15 and 1 Peter 3:15
- Making Him Known - John 1:15-18
- Happy Valentines Day - 1 John 4:10-12, 19-21
- Bound by Prejudice - Mark 6:3
- Bound by Pride
- Bound by the Past - Mark 6:1-6
- Home Sweet Home - Mark 6: 1-6
- The Quality of Following - Mark 10:52
- The Quality of Faith - Mark 10:49-50
- The Quality of Persistence - Matthew 9: 27; Mark 10:47, 48
- Quality of Boldness in Prayer - Matthew 9:27
- Blind Faith - Matthew 9:27-29
- Person of Hope - Matthew 9: 22-26
- Significance of Faith Matt. 9:18-24; Mark 5:36
- Coming in Our Needs - Matthew 9: 18, 21
- Suffering Brings People to Jesus - Matthew 9:18-21
- The Touch of the Master’s Hand - Matthew 9:18-21
- Delight of Fasting - Acts 13:2,3
- Purpose of Fasts - Isaiah 58:6,7
- Deception of Fasting - Matthew 6:16-18
- Definition of Fasting - Matthew 4:1-4
- Facts and Fables on Fasting - Matt. 9:14-17
- Jesus Changes Lost People - Matthew 9:12-18
- Jesus Instructs about Lost People - Matthew 9:10-12
- Jesus Associates with Lost People - Matthew 9:29 - Mark 2:15
- Jesus Gives the Invitation to Lost People - Matthew 9: 27
- Reaching Lost People - Matthew 9: 27-29
- Confidence – Notice the Confidence of Friends - Mark 2:5.
- Notice Commitment from Faithful Friends - Mark 2:3-5
- Observing Cooperation - Matthew 9:2
- Comparing Concern - Matthew 9:2-5
- Awestruck - Matt 9:1-7
- New Year - Opportunity for New Beginnings - Philippians 3 10
- New Years a Time for Renewal - Phil. 3:12-14
- New Years Day Resolutions - Eph 5:15-17
- New Year’s Thoughts. Opportunities for a New Year Ps. 90:1-12
- God's Gift Is Personal John 3:16 Dec. 27
- Perfect Gift. - 2 Corinthians 9:15
- God’s Place for the Birth - Luke 2:5-7
- Gift Giving - God’s Son - Luke 2:10-12
- Christmas Involves Faith
- Christmas Is About Fellowship - Luke 1: 39-45
- Christmas is a Reality - Luke 1:41-45
- Women Talk - Luke 1:35-40
- Coffee Hour Schedule 2025 Jan to June 15
- Greeter Schedule January to June 2025
- Greeter Schedule July to December 2025
- Joseph - A Spiritual Father - Matthew 1:20
- An Obedient Father - Matthew 1:24
- Joseph- a Responsible Father - Mattthew 1:20-25
- Joseph-A Righteous Father - Matthew1:19
- The Forgotten Father - Matt 1:18-19
- We Experience Growth - Mark 4:40-41
- Experiencing Rebuke - Matt. 8:25,26
- Experience Jesus’ Divine Power Matt. 8:24-26
- As Christians we all Experience Doubts - Mark 4: 38
- As Christians, We All Experience Storms - Matthew 8:23, 24
- Following Jesus Affects Our Relationships - Matthew 8:21,22
- Happy Thanksgiving - Psalm 95:1,2
- A Call Affects our Priorities - Matthew 8:20
- The Call to Follow Affects Our Conveniences - Matthew 8:19,20
- Folowing Jesus - Matthew 8: 18-22
- Taking Our Infirmities - Matthew 8:14-17
- Acknowledging Jesus’ Authority - Matthew 8:5-13
- A Lesson in Caring Matt. 8:5-13
- A Matter of Miracles - Matthew 8:14-17
- Power Displayed - Matthew 8:1-4
- The Message - Matthew 7:28 & 29
- The Consequences - Matthew 7: 27
- Notice the Differences - Luke 6:48-49
- Notice the Similarities - Matthew 7:24-29
- House building - Matthew 7:24-29
- Salvation Results in Followers - Matthew 7:21-23
- Salvation Results in Fruit - Matthew 7:15-20
- Salvation Received by the Faithful - Matthew 7:13-15
- Recieved by Few. - Matthew 7:13,14.
- The Narrow Way. -Matthew 7:13-14
- The Product of Prayer
- Persistence in Prayers Matt. 7: 7,8
- Privilege of Prayer. - Matthew 7:11
- Ask, Seek, and Knock - Matthew 7:7-12
- Jesus Speaks to a Condemning Attitude - Matthew 7:6
- Jesus speaks to Judging as a Helping Attitude- Matthew 7:5
- Jesus Speaks about Judging with Self Examination - Matthew 7:2-4
- Jesus speaks about a Judging with a Critical Attitude - Matthew 7:1-2
- Judging One Another - Mathew. 7:1-6
- Being Aware of God's' Principles Reduce Worry - Matthew 6:34
- Being Aware of God's Priorities helps reduce Worry - Matthew 6:31-34
- Being Aware of God's Provisions Helps Reduce Worry - Matthew 6:27-30
- Worry – Consider God’s Perspective - Matthew 6:25-26
- Other Fasts - 1 Cor. 7:5
- Facing Worry - Matthew 6:25
- What is a Fast? continued - Dan. 9:3
- What is a Fast? - Daniel 9:2-4
- Who Should Fast? - Matthew 9:14-17
- Facts and Fallacies on Fasts - Matthew 6: 16
- Lord’s Prayer Seeks Protection Matt. 6: 13-14
- The Lord’s Prayer Addresses Forgiveness - Matthew 6:12-15
- The Lord’s Prayer Seeks God’s Provision - Matthew 6:11
- Lord’s Prayer Seeks God’s Will - Matthew 6:10
- Lord’s Prayer begins with Praise - Matthew 6: 9
- The Lord’s Prayer – A Pattern - Matthew 6:9-15
- Considering Pretentious Prayer - Matthew 5: 7-8
- Considering Private Prayer - Matthew 5: 6
- Considering Personal Prayer - Matthew 5:6
- Considering Public Prayer - Matthew 5:5
- Preparing for Prayer - Matthew 6:5-8
- Principles of Sharing - Matthew 6:3-4
- The Principle of Need - Matthew 6:2-3
- Principle of Receiving - Matthew 6:2-4
- Principle of Giving - Matthew 6:1-4
- The Spirit of Giving - Matthew 6:1-4
- Perfect Love Matt. 5:48
- A Greater Love - Matthew 5:46, 47
- A Gracious Love - Matthew 5:45
- Godly Love - Matthew 5:43-44
- A New Kind of Love - Matthew 5:43-48
- Prophetic Revelation - Matthew 5:38-42
- Right to Possessions - Matthew 5:40-42
- Reconsidering Rights - Matt. 5: 39
- The Matter of Revenge - Matthew 5: 38
- Good for Evil - Matthew 5:38-42
- Integrity - Matt. 5: 36,37
- Legal Maneuvering - Mt. 23:16-22
- Misleading Words - Matt. 5: 34,35
- Making Oaths - Matt. 5:33
- The Way with Words - Matt. 5:33-37
- The Need for Reconciliation - Matt 5:31-32
- Jesus teaches on the Clause of Unfaithfulness Matt 5: 32
- Jesus Teaches on the Commitment of Marriage - Matt 5: 32 “B
- Jesus Comments on the Certificate of Divorce – Matt 5:3-32 & Deut 24:1-4
- Marriage Commitment - Matt. 5:31-32
- Be Pure in Love -Matt. 22:39
- Be Pure In Spirit - Matt 5: 29-30
- Be Pure in Mind - Matt 5: 28
- Physical Purity. - Matt. 5:27.
- Facing A Promiscuous Society Matt. 5:27-30
- Anger Affects our Relationships with Other Believers - Matt 5: 23-24
- Anger Affects our Relationships in the Community - Matt 5: 25
- Wrong Anger Affects Our Relationship with God Matt 5: 21
- Anger Reveals Something Deeper about Ourselves - Matt 5: 21, 22
- The Danger of Anger - Matt. 5:21-22
- The Law is Exceeded by Christ - Matt. 5: 20
- The Law is Illustrated by Christ - Matt 5: 19
- The Law is Completed by Christ - Matt 5: 18 - Galatians 3:19
- The Law is Fulfilled by Christ - Matt 5:17
- The Place of the Law - Matthew 5:17-20
- The Light Source - Matt. 5;16; John 8:12
- Light is to be Spread – Matt 5:16 & John 8:12
- Light is to be Shown - Matt 5:15b-16
- Light Helps us See - Matthew 5:14-16
- Light of the World - Matthew 5:14-16
- Salt Makes Food Palatable - Matthew 5:13
- Salt Purifies - Ezekiel 16:1
- Salt is a Preservative - Lev. 2:13
- Salt is Precious - Matt 5: 13
- Be Salt of the Earth - Matt. 5:13
- Blessings Reserved for the Persecuted - Matt 5: 10,11
- Peacemaker’s Reward Matt. 5: 11- 12
- Peacemakers’ Rejection - Matt. 5:10-12
- Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the Sons of God." Matt. 10:34
- Seeking Peace - Matt 5: 9
- Meditate on Motives Matt. 5:8
- Meditate on Mercy. - Matthew 5:7.
- Meditate on Morality. - Matthew 5:6.
- Meditate on Meekness - Matthew 5:3
- THE HAPPY MAN - Matt. 5:3,4
- Jesus Brings Comfort - Matt 5:4
- Jesus Sought Conversion - Matt. 5:2-6
- Jesus Presents Blessings - Matt. 5:1-3
- Jesus Brought Compassion Matt 4:23-5:2
- The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Matt 4:23-5:2
- Authority in Power - Matt. 4:24-25
- Authority in Teaching - Matt. 4:23
- Authority in His Call - Matt. 4:18-22
- Authority in Preaching - Matt. 4:17
- Ready to Serve - Matt 4:12-16
- The Temptations to Pride and Fame - Matt 4:5-11
- The Temptation - Matt. 4:1- 4
- Baptism's Meaning - Matthew 3: 13 - 15
- A Look at Jesus’ Baptism - Matt 3:7-12
- Introducing Jesus - Matt. 3:1-6
- Death of a Saint Influential for Eternity - Luke 4:18-30
- Death of a Saint Influential in Burial 2 Kings 13:20-21
- Influential in Service- 2 Kings 13: 15 - 19
- The Death of a Saint, Influential in Sickness - 2 Kings 13:14
- Death of a Saint - 2 Kings 13:14
- Reputation Includes Godly Words - 2 Kings 9: 1-3
- Reputation for Godly Wisdom - 2 Kings 8: 7 - 13
- Reputation of a Godly Witness 2 Kings 8: 4,7,10&11
- Reputation of Godly Works - 2 Kings 8:1-6
- Reputation. - 2 Kings 8, 9. & 1 Timothy 3:7
- Consequences for the Hard Hearted - 2 Kings 7:2 & 17-20
- Hope for the Hopeless - 2 Kings 7:3-16
- Healing for the Humble - 2 Kings 6:33-7:2
- There is Hatred for the Holy - 2 Kings 6:24-7:1
- Sharing the Good News 2 Kings 7:1 & 2
- Considering Kindness - 2 Kings 6: 21-23
- Acknowledging Faith - 2 Kings 6: 16 - 20
- Addressing Fear - 2 Kings 6: 15 & 16
- Exposing Folly - 2 Kings 6:8-23
- Unseen Forces - 2 Kings 6:15-17
- Exposing His Guilt - 2 Kings 5:25-27
- The Reaction of Greed - 2 Kings 5:20-24
- The Response of Gratitude 2 Kings 5: 15,17-19,23
- The Receiving of Grace. - 2 Kings 5: 15 &16
- Considering Gifts - 2 Kings 5:21-23
- The Path to Cleansing - 2 Kings 5:9-15
- Coming in our Weakness - 2 Kings 5:5-8
- The Power of Gentle Witness - 2 Kings 5:2-7
- The Problem of POSITION - 2 Kings 5:1
- The Power of Humble Influence 2 Kings 5:1-2
- God can Correct our Accidents 2 Kings 6:1-7.
- God can Supplement our Shortcomings 2 Kings 4:42-44
- God can Overcome our Mistakes 2 Kings 4:38-41
- Raising the Dead -2 Kings 4:8-37
- Miracles - 2 Kings 4:32 & 35
- Facing Trials with Triumphant Faith - 2 Kings 4:32-37
- Facing Trials with Trusting Faith - 2 Kings 4:29-31
- Trials Tempt our Faith 2 - Kings 4:22-28
- Trials Test our Faith - 2 Kings 4:17-25
- Trials - James 1:2-4
- Hints for Hospitality- Receiving a Blessing - Kings 4: 14 -17
- Hints for Hospitality- Not Seeking Something in Return - 2 Kings 4:11-13
- Hints for Hospitality- Making Provisions - 2 Kings 4:9-10
- Hints for Hospitality- Giving an Invitation - 2 Kings 4: 8
- Holy Hospitality - 2 Kings 4:8
- Handling Debt by Work - 2 Kings 4:7
- Debt and the Work of God - 2 Kings 4:5,6
- Handle Debt by Seeking Help 2 Kings 4:3,4
- Handle Debt by Seeking Advice - 2 Kings 4: 1-2
- Dealing with Debt - 2 Kings 4:1
- Music Affects our Actions - 2 Kings 3:12-13
- Music Affects the Soul - 2 Kings 3:15
- Music Affects the Mind 2 Kings 3:15-18
- Music Affects the Emotions - 2 Kings 3:14-16
- Music - 2 Kings 3:10-20
- The Consequences of Evil - II Kings 2:23-25
- The Cure of Sin’s Curse - 2 Kings 2:20-22
- The Curse of Sin - 2 Kings 2:19
- The Curse of Change - II Kings 2:16-18
- Curses - 2 Kings 2:19-25
- A Good Student is Willing - 2 Kings 2:14-15
- Good Student Demonstrates Faith - 2 Kings 2:11-14
- A Good Student Demonstrates Desire - II Kings 2:7-10
- A Good Student Demonstrates Perseverance. - II Kings 2:1-6
- Mantle Carriers 2 Kings 2:1-2
- From Condemnation to Death - I King 21:17-29
- Sin Exposed - I King 21:15-20
- From Envy to Sin - I King 21:7-13
- Concern when Desire leads to Envy - I King 21:4-7
- Judgement - I Kings 21:1-6
- God desires a HUMBLED HEART - 1 Kings 19: 21
- God Desires a SEPARATED HEART - I King 19:19-21
- GOD desires A WILLING HEART - I King 19:20
- God Desires a Prepared Heart - 1 King 19:15-19
- Call of God. - 1 Kings 19:15-21.
- Practical Solutions to Depression - 1 Kings 19: 5-13
- Contributing Factors to Depression Continued - 1 Kings 19:9,10
- Some Contributing Factors for Depression 1 Kings 19: 1-4
- Depression - 1 Kings 19:1-4
- Undeserved Prayer - I Kings 18:42-46
- Perseverance in Prayer I King 18:42-44
- Posture for Prayer - I King 18:42
- The Preparation to Prayer I Kings18:39-46
- Principles of Prayer 1 Kings 18:40-46
- Return 1 Kings 18:38-39
- Powerful Praying 1 Kings 18:16-40
- Call to Truth  1 Kings 18:26-35
- Commitment - 1 Kings 18:21-25.
- Preparing for Revival. - I King 18:16-40.
- Spiritual Maturity. - 1 Kings 18:10-15
- Different Tasks. - 1 Kings 18:1-6.
- Different Gifts. - 1 Kings 17:5-13
- Different Personalities. - 1 Kings 18:1-4.
- Differences. - 1 Kings 18:1-15.
- Faith Responses to Tragedy - 1 King 17:21-24
- Practical Responses to Tragedies - 1 Kings 17:19 - 21
- Guilty Responses to Tragedy - 1 Kings 17:18
- Emotional Reactions to Tragedy - I Kings 17:17-18
- Facing a Tragedy - I King 17:17
- Testing Involves a Step of Sacrifice - I King 17:9-16
- Trust involves a Step of Testing - I Kings 17:7-9
- Trusting Involves a Step of Waiting - I King 17:5
- Trusting involves a step of Obedience - I King 17:5;8-10
- Trust in the Lord - I King 17:2-4
- Elijah Believed God’s Word
- God's Authority. - 1 Kings 17:1.
- Knowing God is Alive - I King 17:1
- The Call of God on Elijah - I Kings 17:1
- The Spirit of Elijah - I Kings 17:1
- God Offers His Prescription for Success Joshua 1:6-9
- God Offers His Power - Joshua 1:5& 9
- God Offers His Promises - Joshua 1:5
- God Offers His Plan - Josh.1:1-4
- Success for the New Year - Josh. 1:1-9.
- Christ’s Everlasting Kingdom Phil 2:10-11, Rev. 17:14
- Establishing His Kingdom. - Isa. 9:7,8.
- Spiritual Kingdom. - Isa. 9:7. Col. 1:16
- The Growing Kingdom. - Isa. 9:7, Matt.13:31-32.
- King of Kings. - Isa. 9:7 Rev. 17:14.
- The Prince of Peace Provides Peace with Others - Ephesians 2:14-18
- The Prince of Peace Provides Peace with Ourselves - Col 3:15
- The Prince of Peace Provides Peace with God - Colossians 1:20-21
- The Example of the Prince of Peace - Luke 2:14
- Jesus is called The Prince of Peace - Isaiah 9:6
- Jesus Fulfills Being the Everlasting Father - Romans 8:35, 37-39
- Jesus Fulfills the Name as Everlasting Father as a Protector - John 17:11-12
- Jesus Fulfills the Name as Father used as Primary Founder - Roman 4:16,18
- Jesus Fulfills the Name of Everlasting Father.
- Mighty God is Evidenced in Christ’s Followers - Luke 8:49-56
- Mighty God is Evidenced in His Promises - Luke 2:30-32; I John 3:8
- Mighty God is Evidenced in Christ’s Attributes - Isaiah 9:6
- Mighty God is Evidenced Since Christ’s Birth.
- His Name Shall be Called Mighty God Isaiah 9:6
- The Wonderful Counselor has Complete Power
- The Wonderful Counsellor has Complete Truth
- The Wonderful Counsellor has Complete Wisdom
- His Name Shall be Called Wonderful Counselor - Isaiah 9:6
- The Thanksgiving of: S- SIMEON - Luke 2:25-35
- Testimony of Thanksgiving' K- KING DAVID Ps 111:1-10
- Thanksgiving Testimony N- NAAMAN (II Ki 5:1-16)
- Thanksgiving Testimony - A- ABRAHAM - Genesis 22:9-14
- Testimonies of Thanks – T-Tabatha – Acts 9:36-42
- John’s Testimony - John 19:35, 36
- Who Killed Christ?. - John 19:32-34.
- Their Death Rituals - John 19:31
- Jesus Fulfilled His Requirements - John 19:28-30
- Jesus’ Death - John 19:28-30
- Reflections on Medical Directives - Romans 14:8-9
- Reflections on Euthanasia - Job 1:20,21
- Reflections on Abortion - Proverbs 24:10&11
- Reflections on Suicide - 1 Cor. 10:13
- Guiding Principles on Life and Death Matters - Job 1:21
- Consider the Deliverance from Hell
- Consider Some Descriptions of Hell
- The Unrepentant - Rom 2:5-6, Rom. 11:22.
- Consider the Debate on Hell
- Considering Hell - Matthew 10:28
- Heaven's Worship Rev. 14:1-3
- Heaven’s Work Matt. 25:21, Rev 22:3
- Heaven's Wonders Rev 21:18-23
- Heaven’s Words 2 Cor. 12:2-4
- Heaven Heb. 9:24
- Christ’s Resurrected Body. - 1 Thes. 4:16-18.
- Overcoming Death. -1 Cor. 15:4-8.
- The Burial of Christ.-1 Cor. 15:3-4, Matt. 12:40.
- The Purpose of Christ’s Death-1 Cor. 15:3,4.
- Christ's Death. - 1 Cor. 15:3-4.
- Christ’s Resurrection. - John 21:4-14.
- The Resurrected Body 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.
- Sermon Nuggets:- Near Death. - Acts 7:55-60
- After Death Experiences – Various Scriptures
- Death - A Conscious State? - Revelations 6:9-10
- Intermediate state - What about Purgatory? - Luke 16:26-31
- Jesus had a Ministry in the Place of the Dead - Ephesians 4:8-10
- The Bible Describes the Place of the Dead - Various Passages
- The Bible Teaches There is Conscious Existence After Death - Matt 22:31-33 & Rev 6:9-10
- Death’s Intermediate State Thessalonians 4:14-18
- Destination Following Death - Rev 21:4; John 8:21
- Destruction of Death – 1 Corinthians 15:26
- Descriptions of Death - Various Scriptures
- Some Definitions of Death - Genesis 2:16-17
- Death and Dying: An Introduction - Hebrews 9:27-28
- Reason to Rejoice - Habakkuk 3:17-19
- Focus on God's Faithfulness - Habakkuk 3:16-18
- God Delivers His People –Habakkuk 3:8-16
- Refocused on God - Habakkuk 3:3-7
- Advance Worship Habakkuk 3:1,2
- Confidence in the Lord. Habakkuk 2:3
- Facing Oppression with Absolute Authority Habakkuk 2:15-20
- Facing Oppression with Assurance - Habakkuk 2:8-14
- Facing Oppression with Faith - Habakkuk 2:4-8
- God' Warnings - Habakkuk 2:1-3
- Problem with Perspective - Habakkuk 2:1-3
- Problem with Perception - Habakkuk 1:13-17
- Disappointment with God includes a Problem with Plans – Habakuk 1:5-2:1
- Disappointment with God includes a Problem with Patience - Habakkuk 1:1-4
- Disappointed in God
- Greetings and Kisses - 1 Peter 5:13-14
- Recognize the Grace of God - 1 Peter 5:12b
- Recognize the Importance of Friends - 1 Peter 5:12-14
- Through it All - 1 Peter 5:12
- Peace to You - 1 Peter 5:12-14
- God’s Victory in Suffering - 1 Peter 5:10, 11
- God’s Power in Resistance through Struggles - 1 Peter 5:8-9
- God’s Care in our Anxieties - 1 Peter 5: 7
- Grace in our Struggles - 1 Peter 5:5,6.
- God's Power in our Struggles - 1 Peter 5:8,9
- Evaluate Pastors Motive - 1 Peter 5:4
- Evaluate Pastors’ Task - 1 Pet 5:2-3
- Evaluate Pastors’ Focus - 1 Peter 5:1,2
- Advice to Pastors - Hope - Peter 5:1
- Evaluating Leaders - Advice to Pastors - 1 Peter 5:1-4
- A Plan for Suffering 1 Peter 4:19
- A Prediction of Suffering = 1 Peter 4:17-18
- Discovering Some Purpose of Suffering - 1 Peter 4:13-16
- Promise of Suffering - 1 Peter 4:12
- Suffering and the Will of God - I Peter 4:12
- A Living Example in Speech - 1 Peter 4: 11
- Living Example in Service - 1 Peter 4:9,10
- A Living Example in Love - 1 Peter 4: 8,9
- Prayer. - 1 Peter 4:7.
- Living Example. - 1 Peter 4:7-11.
- Suffering causes us to consider Eternity - 1 Peter 3:5,6
- Commitment causes us to Repent - 1 Peter 4: 3-4
- Suffering Can Cause us to seek God’s Will - 1 Peter 4: 2
- Considering Commitment in Hard Times - 1 Peter 4: 1
- Considering Commitment - 1 Peter 4:1
- Christian Message is about Ascension - 1 Peter 3:22
- Christian message is about the RESURRECTION - 1 Peter 3:18
- The Christian message is about a BURIAL - 1 Peter 3:19-21
- The Christian Message is About A DEATH - 1 Peter 3:18
- The Work of Christ - I Peter 3:18
- A Real Witness Mes a Difference in Attitudes - 1 Peter 3:16,17
- A Real Witness Makes a Difference in Answers - 1 Peter 3:15
- A Real Witness makes Difference in Actions - 1 Peter 3:13-14
- A Real Witness- Affection for Jesus. 1 Peter 3:15
- Real Witness - 1 Peter 3:13-17
- Righteousness Includes Prayers - 1 Peter 3:12.
- Righteousness - Includes Blessing and Peace - I Peter 3:9:11-12
- Righteousness - Includes Restraint - 1 Peter 3:9-10
- Righteousness - Includes Sympathy, Brotherly Love, Compassion - Peter 3:8
- Righteousness-A Better Way - 1 Peter 3:8 - Harmony & Humility
- What Husbands Should Know – Reasons - 1 Peter 3:7
- What Husbands Should Know - 1 Peter 3:7
- What Husbands should Know – Responsibility - 1 Peter 3:7
- What Husbands Should Know- Relationships - 1 Peter 3:7
- What Husbands Should Know - 1 Peter 3:7
- Harmony in the Home – Involves Trust - 1 Peter 3:5,6
- Harmony in the Home - Includes Gentleness - 1 Peter 3:4
- Harmony in the Home - Includes Purity - 1 Peter 3:2,3
- Marriage includes Submissiveness - 1 Peter 3:1
- Harmony in the Home -Wives - 1 Peter 3:1
- Consider the Pattern of Work: Jesus - 1 Peter 2:21-25
- Consider the Principles of Work - Titus 2:9-10
- Consider the Purpose of Work - 1 Peter 2:19-20
- Consider the Privilege of Work 1 Peter 2: 18
- Jesus and Our Jobs - 1 Peter 2:12
- Peter’s Politics – Live with Respect - 1 Pet 2:17
- Peter’s Politics- Live with Responsible Freedom - 1 Peter 2:16
- Peter’s Politics- Doing Good - 1 Peter 2:15.
- PETER'S POLITICS - Live with the Attitude of Submission - 1 Peter 2:13,14
- Live with God’s Glory in Mind - 1 Peter 2:12
- Foundations of Faith - What Does it mean to be a Holy Nation? - 1 Pet 2:9-12
- Foundations of Faith - Holy Priesthood - I Peter 2:5,9
- Foundations of Faith - Living Stones - 1 Peter 2:5
- Foundations of Faith - Spiritual House - 1 Peter 2:4-8
- Foundations of Faith - 1 Peter 2:4-7
- Love is Selfless - 1 Peter 2:1-3
- Love is Sincere -1 Peter 1:22-25
- The Effects of the Word Implants Love - 1 Peter 1:22-23
- Effects of the Word- Salvation 1 Pet. 1:18-21
- Effects of the Word - I Peter 1:18-22
- Prepared for Hope. - 1 Peter 1:18-21.
- Prepared for Judgment1 Peter - 1:16,17
- Be Prepared by Holiness - 1 Peter 1:14-16
- Be Prepared for Action - I Peter 1:13
- Be Prepared. - 1 Peter 1:13.
- Testimonies encourage the persecuted -I Peter 1:12
- Hope Through the Scriptures - 1 Peter 1: 10,11
- The Hope from our Savior - 1 Peter 1:8,9
- Spiritual Value by Suffering - 1 Peter 1:6,7
- A Living Hope - I Peter 1:3-5
- God's Wonder - 1 Peter 1:3-5
- The Work of the Triune God - 1 Peter 1:2
- God Knows All You are Going Through - 1 Peter 1:1-2
- Peter’s Principles - A Willing Worker - 1 Peter 1:1
- Peter’s Principles - His Introduction - 1 Peter 1:1
- Obey God's Commands Before It's Too Late - Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
- Be Discerning in Your Resources - Ecclesiastes 12:11-12
- Study God's Word While You're Open - Ecclesiastes 12:9-11
- Serve God While You're Able – Ecclesiastes 12:1-8
- Remember Your Creator - Ecclesiastes 12:1
- Giving Love - Ecclesiastes 11:10
- Responding to Opportunities - Ecclesiastes 11:8-9
- Gaining by Living Diligently - Ecclesiastes 11: 6-7
- Security in Insecure Times - Ecclesiastes 11:3-5
- Giving. - Ecclesiastes 11:1-10.
- Secrets. - Ecclesiastes 10:20.
- Excuses- Eccl. 10:18-20
- Motormouth. - Ecclesiastes 10:14,15.
- Destructive Words. - Ecclesiastes 10:12-15.
- Foolish Words. - Ecclesiastes 10:12-20.
- Carelessness. - Ecclesiastes 10:8-11.
- Position. - Ecclesiastes 10:5-7 & 16,17.
- Â Impulsiveness. - Ecclesiastes 10:4.
- Foolish Choices. - Ecclesiastes 10:1-3.
- Foolish. - Ecclesiastes 10:1-20.
- Stability. - Ecclesiastes 9:16-18.
- Surprises. - Ecclesiastes 9:13-15.
- False Confidence. - Ecclesiastes 9:12
- Unknown. - Ecclesiastes 9:11.
- Unpredictable. - Ecclesiastes 9:1.
- Diligence Eccl. 9:10
- Thankfulness. - Ecclesiastes 9:7-9.
- Faithful Work. - Ecclesiastes 9:4-6
- Facing the Inevitable - Ecclesiastes 9:1-3
- Preparing for Death – Ecclesiastes 9:3
- Divine Authority - Ecclesiastes 8:12-17
- Abused Authority – Ecclesiastes 8:9-11,14
- Limited Authority – Ecclesiastes 8:7-9
- Proper Authority – Ecclesiastes 8:1-6
- Authority and Submission – Ecclesiastes 8:1,2
- Ways of Wisdom - Be Warned – Ecclesiastes 7:20-29
- Ways of Wisdom - Be Dependable – Ecclesiastes 7:13-19
- Words of Wisdom - Be Self-controlled – Ecclesiastes 7:7-12
- Words of Wisdom - Be Discerning - Ecclesiastes 7:5-6
- Be Prepared – Ecclesiastes 7:1-4
- Searching for Satisfaction in Philosophy – Ecclesiastes 6:10-12
- Searching for Contentment – Ecclesiastes 6:8,9
- Searching for Satisfaction in Food - Ecclesiastes 6:7
- Satisfaction in Family – Ecclesiastes 6:3-6
- Searching for Satisfaction in Things – Ecclesiastes 6:1-2
- The Discovery of Wealth - Ecclesiastes 5:18-20
- Destruction of Wealth – Ecclesiastes 5:13-17
- Desires of Wealth - Ecclesiastes 5:10-12
- Discrimination of Wealth – Ecclesiastes 5:8-9
- Deception of Wealth - Ecclesiastes 5:10
- Worshipers need to be in Awe of God – Ecclesiastes 5:7
- Ways of Worship - Worshipers need to Obey – Ecclesiastes 5:4-6
- Ways of Worship - Worshipers Need to Reflect - Ecclesiastes 5:2,3
- Ways of Worship – Listen – Ecclesiastes 5:1
- Ways of Worship - Ecclesiastes 5:1,2
- Praise for the Presence of Others - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
- Fickle Followers – Ecclesiastes 4:13-16
- Displaying Discontent - Ecclesiastes 4:7-8
- The Emptiness of Envy - Ecclesiastes 4:4-6
- Chasing After the Wind – Ecclesiastes 4:4-7
- Unknown. - Ecclesiastes 3:22.
- Oppression. - Ecclesiastes 4:1-2.
- Â Mortality. - Ecclesiastes 3: 18-21
- Judgement. - Ecclesiastes 3:16,17.
- Unfair. - Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:3.
- God has a Purpose – Ecclesiastes 3:14-15
- God Has a Procedure – Ecclesiastes 3:9-13
- God Gives Perception – Ecclesiastes 3:5-8
- God Gives Perspective – Ecclesiastes 3:3-4
- God has a Pattern - Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
- Times and Seasons. - Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 - In His Time
- The Promise of Pleasure - Ecclesiastes 2:24-25
- The Pain of Pleasure - Ecclesiastes 2:1
- The Pleasure of Possessions - Ecclesiastes 2:4-9
- The Pursuit of Pleasure - Ecclesiastes 2:1-3 & 10
- Pondering Pleasures - Ecclesiastes 2:1
- Understanding Solomon’s Summary - Eccl 12:13-14
- Understanding Solomon’s Search - Eccl. 1:9-11
- Understanding Solomon’s Subject – Ecclesiastes 1:4- 8
- Understanding Solomon's Situation - Luke 1:76-80
- Understanding Solomon's Sermon – Ecclesiastes 1:3
- Responses. - Luke 2:36-38
- Simeon's Prophecy. - Luke 2:33-35.
- Simeon’s Praise. - Luke 2:28-32
- Simeon's Privilege. - Luke 2:27,28.
- Simeon's Song. - Luke 2:25-35.
- New Relationship - Luke 1:76-80
- A New Hope - Luke 1:76-80
- A New Song - Luke 1:67-75
- Zechariah’s Praise - A New Name - Luke 1:62-72
- Zechariah's Song - Luke 1:57-66
- Grace Promised. - Luke 1: 54,55.
- Mary’s Song includes God’s Grace in Power - Luke 1:50-53
- Partners in Grace - Luke 1:13-14
- God’s Grace Produces Personal Praise - Luke 1:46-49
- Mary’s Song - Luke 1:35-38
- Purpose of Praise - Luke 1:41-45
- Personal Praise - Luke 1: 23, 24
- Promised Child. - Luke 1:8-20.
- Prelude to Praise - Luke 1:5-9
- Christmas Carols. - Luke 1. Elizabeth's Paise
- God questions Jonah's Heart. - Jonah 4:10,11.
- Jonah's Priorities. - Jonah 4:5-9.
- Anger. - Jonah 4:1-4.
- Questioning God. - Jonah 4:1,2,8
- Jonah Pouts. - Jonah 4.
- God Responds in Compassion Jonah 3: 9-10
- Repentance. - Jonah 3:5-9.
- Thanksgiving Prayer. - Ps. 105:1 & Phil 4:6-7.
- Obedience. - Jonah 3:3,4
- Second Chances. - Jonah 3:1-4.
- Jonah Preaches. - Jonah 3.
- Prayer of Dedication Jonah 2:8-10
- Prayer of Devotion. - Jonah 2:8-9.
- Prayer for Deliverance. - Jonah 2:2, 4,7.
- Prayer of Repentance and Distress Jonah 2:2-5
- Jonah Prays - Jonah 2:1,2
- Mercy for Rebellion - Jonah 1:7
- The Consequences of Rebellion - Jonah 1:7-17
- Glimpses of Rebellion - Jonah 1: 3-7
- Rebellion’s Reasons. - Jonah 1:3 & 4:1-3.
- Jonah Protests - Jonah 1: 1-3
- There is a Plan - 2 Thessalonians 3: 6,12-18
- There is the Principle Regarding Idleness - 2 Thessalonians 3:10
- Paul Demonstrates an Example for Work - 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9
- There is a Problem of Idleness - 2 Thessalonians 3:10-11
- The Place of Work - 2 Thessalonians.3:6-10
- The Need for Perseverance in Love - 2 Thessalonians 3:5
- The Need for Perseverance in Obedience - 2 Thessalonians 3:4,5
- The Need for Protection - 2 Thessalonians 3:2,3
- Need for Prayer - 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2
- Hold to World Concerns - 2 Thessalonioans3:1-5
- Hold to the Teachings and Good Deeds - 2 Thess. 2:15-17
- Responses of Thanks Liviing - 2 Thess 2:15-17
- Remember What God will Do - 2 Thessalonians 2:14
- Remember What God is Doing - 2 Thessalonians 2:13
- Remember What God Has Done - 2 Thessalonians 2:13
- Be Warned against delusions and ruin - 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12
- Be Warned of Unleashed Delusions – 2 Thessalonians 2:5-9
- Warned of Rebellion - 2 Thessalonians 2:.3-6
- Warned against Rumor - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3
- Results of His Return - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
- Reflecting His Glory - 2 Thess. 1:12
- Encouragement of Prayer - 2 Thess. 1:.11,12
- Encouraged by Gods Righteous Judgment - 2 Thess. 1:5-10
- Encouraged by perseverance 2 Thess. 1:.3,4
- When Things Look Tough - 2 Thes. 1:1,2
- The Price of Redemption - Hebrews 11:31,32
- The Price for Restoration - Judges 16:26-31
- The Price of Sin- Mockery and Ridicule Judges 16:25-27
- The Price of SIN- Experiencing Consequences - Judges 16:21,23-25
- Samson's Price - Judges 16:20-21
- Spiritual Concerns - Pleasures Affect Spirituality - Judges 16:19-21
- The Pleasures of Mental Temptations - Judges 16:16-20
- Love has no strings attached - Judges 16:6-16
- The Pleasures of Physical Temptation - Judges 16:1, 14
- Samson‘s Passions - Judges 16:1-4
- Pride Affects our Attitudes Judges 14&15
- Pride affects Actions 14:18-20 & 15:14-17
- Pride Affects our Associations - Judges 14:10,11, 14-18
- Pride Affects our Appetites- Judges 14:1-13
- Samson’s Pride. - Judges 14, 15.
- Parents Commitment - Judges 13:19-20 & 24
- Parents concern – Judges 13:8,12-14
- Parents Communication - Judges 13:6-11
- The Parent’sCall - Judges 13:2-5
- Samson’s Parents - Judges 13:1-3
- Happiness Concludes some things - Psalm 1:3-6
- Happiness Includes some Things - Psalm 1: 2
- Avoid the Wrong Crowd - Psalms 1:1
- Happiness Excludes some Things
- Happiness- Like a Tree Planted - Psalms 1:1-6
- There’s a Need for Church Support - Colossians 4:15-18
- There is a need for Spiritual Support – Colossians 4:12-14
- Emotional Support - There is a need for Emotional Support - Colossians 4:10-11
- Fellowship Provides Practical Support - Colossians 4:7-9
- Precious Fellowship - Colossians 4:15-16
- Considerate Witness. - A winsome witness is a Considerate Person- Colossians 4:6
- Careful Procedure - A winsome Witness needs a Careful Procedure - Colossians 4:5
- Clear Witness - A Witness needs a Clear Presentation - Colossians 4:4
- Consistent Prayer - Colossians 4:3
- Winsome Witness Witness. - Colossians 4:3-6.
- Specific Prayer - Effective praying is Specific Praying - Colossians 4:3,4
- Thankful Praying - Effective Praying is Thankful Praying - Colossians 4:2
- Praying is Watchful Praying - Watchful - Colossians 4:2
- Faithful Prayer - Effective praying is Faithful Praying - Colossians 4:2
- Considering Prayer - Colossians 4:2-4
- God’s Workmen - Purpose of Work - Colossians 3:23-25
- Conditions of Employment - Employers - Colossians 4:1
- God’s Workmen - Attitude of workers - Colossians 3:22-23
- God's Workmen - Quality of Work - Colossians 3:22
- God’s Workmen - Colossians 3:22-4:1
- Children and Parents - Importance of Fathers - Luke 11:11-13
- Children and Parents - Issue of Offense - Ephesians 6:1-4
- Children and Parents - Importance of Obedience - Colossians 3:20-21
- Children and Parents - Importance of Order - Colossians 3:20-21
- Children and Parents. - Colossians 3:20-22
- Better Spouses - Seeking to be a Better Spouse - Colossians 3:17-19
- Adjustments - Adjustments to Marriage with Commitment - Ephesians 4:22-32
- Pre-marriage Considerations - Before Marriage - Colossians 3:17,18
- Marriage - Why? - Genesis 1:27,28.
- Marriage – A Personal Dialogue - Colossians 3:17-19
- Part II - Christian Clothing - Put on the Wardrobe of the Word - Colossians 3:16-17
- Part I - Christian Clothing - Put on the Wardrobe of the Word - Colossians 3:16-17
- Peace - Put on the Apparel of Peace - Colossians 3:15
- Love - Put on the clothes of Love - Colossians 3:14
- Christian Clothing - Put on Forgiveness - Colossians 3:13
- Christian Clothing - Colossians 3:12; 3:17
- Patterns - Put to Death your Old Nature by Examining your Patterns - Colossians 3:8-11
- Nurturing your Nature by Putting to Death your Old Nature Desires – Colossians 3: 5-7
- Renewing - Nurturing your Nature by Renewing your Mind - Colossians 3:2-4
- Refocus - Raise to Life your New Nature by Refocusing your Heart – Colossians 3:1
- New Nature - Nurturing Your New Nature - Colossians 3:10.
- Reality in Christ - Judged Based on a Real Relationship - Colossians 2:17; 3:1-4.
- Christ is Complete in Forgiveness - Colossians 2:11-14
- Revelations - Judged based on Religious Revelations - Colossians 2:18,19
- Rituals - Judged by Religious Rituals - Colossians 2:16,17
- Legalism - Lethal Laws - Colossians 2:16-23
- Complete in Christ - Christ is Complete in Victory - Colossians 2:11-15
- Complete in Christ - Christ is Complete in Forgiveness - Colossians 2:11-14.
- Complete in Christ - Christ is Complete in Character - Colossians 2:1-5
- Complete in Christ - Christ is Complete in Truth - Colossians 2:8-11
- Complete in Christ - Colossians 2:8-15
- Complete in Christ - Colossians 2:6-7
- False Teaching - The Trappings of Traditions - Colossians 2:5-8
- False Teachers - The Lures of Liberalism - Colossians 2:4Â Â
- False Teachers - Beware of the Emotions of Experience - Colossians 2:1,2
- Warnings - Believer, Beware -Colossians 2:1-9
- Christ in You - Our Motive for Ministry - Colossians 2:1-5
- Our Means of Ministry - Colossians 1:28,29
- Our Method for Ministry - Colossians 1:24,28,29 & 2:1.
- The Message for our Ministry - Colossians 1:26,27
- The Message - Christ in You - Colossians 1:24-25
- Lord of your Life - Jesus is LORD of your Life Day 2 - Colossians 1:16-20.
- Lord of your Life - Jesus is LORD of your Life - Colossians 1:16-20.
- Lord of the Church - Jesus is LORD of the Church - Colossians 1:18.
- Lord of Power - Jesus is LORD of Powers - Colossians 1:15-20.
- Lord of Creation - Jesus is LORD of Creation - Colossians 1:15-20
- Lord of All - Jesus is LORD of All - Colossians 1:15-20
- Prayer to be a Light to the World - Colossians 1:11-14
- Good Works - Prayer for Showing Good Works - Colossians 1:10-12
- Growth - Prayer for Growing in God's Ways - Colossians 1:9-10
- God’s Will - Prayer for Knowing of God's Will - Colossians 1:9
- Prayer for Sowing of God's Word – Colossians 1:3-8
- Thankful for Growth in Enduring Hope - Colossians 1: 3
- Thankful for Growth in Real Love. - Colossians 1:3
- Thankful for Growth in Faith - Colossians 1:1-3
- Chistian Essentials - Colossians 1:1-4
- Resurrected Service - The Culmination of Service - John 21:23-25
- Resurrected Service - Clarity of Service - John 21:20-22
- Resurrected Service - Commitment to Service - John 21:18,19
- Resurrected Service - The Core of Service - Sacrificial Love - John 21:15-17
- Resurrected Service - Called To Service - In Love - John 21:14-17
- Resurrection Enlivens - The Living Lord Enlivens Us - Luke 5:9-11Â
- Resurrection Enriches - The Living Christ Enriches Us - John 21:12-14 Â
- Resurrection Encouraged - The Living Christ Encourages Us - John 21:7-11 Â
- Resurrection Encounters - The Living Christ Encounters Us - John 21:3-6.  Â
- Resurrection Encounters - The Living Lord Affects Us - John 21:1,2.  Â
- The Resurrection – From Doubt to Trust - John 20:28-31 Â
- The Resurrection - Doubts Examined - John 20:26-27Â Â
- The Resurrection - Doubts Confronted. - John 20:26-27
- The Resurrection - Doubt Expressed. - John 20:21-24
- The Resurrection - Doubting Others – John 20:19-24   Â
- The Resurrection - The Witness. - John 20:17-18
- The Resurrection - From Doubts to Discovery - John 20:10-16Â Â
- The Resurrection - Grave Clothing - John 20:3-10Â
- The Resurrection - The Two Mary's - John 20:1,2
- The Resurrection - Wide Eyed - John 20:1-18
- Jesus Death - Burial demonstrates Courage - John 19:38-40Â
- Jesus Death - The Burial - John 19:38-42Â
- Jesus Death - Who Killed Christ? - John 19:32-34. Â
- Jesus Death Predicted - The Jews Finished their Requirements - John 19:31. Â
- Jesus Death - Jesus Fulfilled His Requirements - John 19:28-30.
- Jesus Death - John 19:28-30
- The Crucifixion - Selfless Love - John 19:25-27
- The Crucifixion -Â The Robe Points to His Sacrificial Love - John 19:23-24Â Â
- The Crucifixion - Points to Christ’s Sovereign Love - John 19:19-21Â
- The Crucifixion - The Cross Points to Christ’s Saving Love - John 19:17-18
- The Crucifixion - Dying Love - John 19:14-16Â Â
- Mockery- A Christlike Response -Â John 19:8-16
- Mockery- Because of Hatred -Â John 19:6-11
- Mockery – By Sarcasm - Matthew 27:27-32Â
- Mockery - By Humiliation - John 19:1-5
- Mockery - Toward Christ - John 19:1-16
- The Trial - Hypocrisy of Politics - John 18:38-40
- The Trial - Hypocrisy of Justice. - John 18:28-37Â & Matthew 26:59Â
- The Trial - The Honesty of Jesus - John 18:19-24Â Â Â
- The Trial - The Hypocrisy of Religious Leaders - John 18:12-13 and Matthew 26:57-68 Â
- The Trial - Hypocrisy of the Trials of Jesus - John 18:12-14 & 19-24.
- The Arrest - Observe His Provision - John 18:11
- The Arrest - Observe Jesus Protection - John 18:7-11
- The Arrest - Jesus Demonstrates His Power - John 18:4-7
- The Arrest - Jesus Carries Out the Plan - John 18:3-4
- The Arrest - Insight in Kidron Valley - John 18:1-2
- Staff
- Online Giving
- Links
- Sermons
- Summer Camp Corner
- Family Drama
- The Power of Speech
- 4 Chaplains
- Love Your Neighbor
- The Little Brother
- Favor vs Favoritism
- Vision and Restraint
- Lasting Gifts
- Worship With Use
- The Cost of Free Will
- “Love and Serve”
- Playing Dodgeball
- Who Do You Serve
- “Truths from the Trap Line”
- Know Who You Represent
- Understanding Your Armor
- In Christ
- Why We Celebrate
- 5 Reasons
- Lying Usurper
- Spiritual Battle
- The Current Battle
- “Final Battle, Every Man’s Battle ”
- Words From The Water
- Armageddon & Jesus Return
- Wars and Passages
- The War To Come
- Dry Bones
- “Forgotten Truth”
- Rock's In Your Wagon -Part 2
- God's Sovereign Plan
- The Warning of Edom
- Shepherds and Sheep
- The Watchman's Responsibility
- Who Is Mary Ann Williams
- "Happy Birthday"
- Have You Told Your Mom, Your Wife, You Love Her Today
- Suffering Why?
- The Greatest Moment in Human History
- The 4-P's
- Wagon Full of Rocks
- "What if"
- The Greatest Moment in Human History
- Peter's Limp
- Choices for Kids Summer Camps
- When Will It Happen
- Bible Distribution
- Heart in The Balance
- Passion Week Begins
- Getting to play golf out of Jesus' bag
- Spiritual Golf
- Understand The Relationship
- Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
- "Gas in the Tank"
- "The Critical Spirit"
- Vision and Direction
- "God's Plan"
- "Biblical Self-Defense"
- "Biblical Leadership"
- "Israel, Why It Matters"
- The World's Favorite Verse
- God's Design for The Church
- God's Design for Women
- God's Design for Men
- How Did We Get Here?
- Two Worlds at War
- Kingdom Building
- Whale's Throat
- Desperate for Jesus
- The Blind Church
- Remember
- Hindsight
- Kids, Kingdom and Kindred
- Perseverance and Attitude
- Baptism
- Christian Living
- Wisdom, Wealth and Character
- The Hidden Point
- The Lord's Prayer
- The Heart of God
- Counting the Cost
- In The Beginning
- Jesus Came For All
- The One Thing More Important Than Knowing Jesus
- Women God Used
- The Birth of the Church
- 40 Days
- Why It Matters
- Victory in the Empty Tomb
- Joe and Nick (Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus)
- Trouble is on The Home Front
- Suffering - How?
- Setting the Tone
- Communion
- My Take
- Show Me The Money
- A Few Things About the Limitless One
- Following The Rules and Missing The Point
- House Cleaning
- The Lord Teaches Us To Pray
- Balance Belief
- The Greatest Among Us
- When Jesus Rebukes
- IEFC Youth Ministry Team Sunday Worship Service
- Once You Know, Then You Go
- The Big Picture
- The Great Restorer
- Spiritual Lessons in a Physical World
- Planting Seeds
- The Fallacy of the Pharisees
- When God Doesn't Rescue You
- Raising The Dead
- Sunday Worship
- Now That's How You Do It
- You Hypocrites!
- Follow Jesus
- Heart to Heart Conversation
- The choosing of the 12 apostles
- Sunday Worship Service
- Fasting, Sowing and Fermenting
- The Paradox of the Cross of Christ
- So That You Would Know
- The Big Picture
- Entering His Glory
- So We Remember
- The Temple and The Fig Tree
- How Would You Respond
- The Opportunity and the Cost
- Gospel Perspective
- No Obstacles
- Humble Beginnings
- Nuts and Bolts
- Why It Matters - The Importance of the Virgin Birth
- Intro to the Gospel of Luke
- The Word Became Flesh and our life in Jesus Christ
- Philosophy of Ministry
- God is Light
- God's Design for His Body
- Isle Evangelical Free Church Live Stream
- Sunday Worship Service
- Member Area
- Ministry Schedules
- - Person from God. - Matthew 12:18.
- A Bruised Reed. - Matt.12:14-24.
- The Good News - John 15:15-20
- Deceptions - Mark 1:5-8
- Signs Of Jesus’ Second Coming - Mark 13:1-8
- Facing Persecution - Matthew 10:17-25
- Prophecy - Matthew 10:17-25
- Instructions for His Disciples - Matthew 10:9-16
- Making Jesus Known. - Matthew 10:5-8.
- Sent On a Mission - Matthew 10:5-18
- Sharing Christ - Matthew 10:1-15 and 1 Peter 3:15
- Making Him Known - John 1:15-18
- Happy Valentines Day - 1 John 4:10-12, 19-21
- Bound by Prejudice - Mark 6:3
- Bound by Pride
- Bound by the Past - Mark 6:1-6
- Home Sweet Home - Mark 6: 1-6
- The Quality of Following - Mark 10:52
- The Quality of Faith - Mark 10:49-50
- The Quality of Persistence - Matthew 9: 27; Mark 10:47, 48
- Quality of Boldness in Prayer - Matthew 9:27
- Blind Faith - Matthew 9:27-29
- Person of Hope - Matthew 9: 22-26
- Significance of Faith Matt. 9:18-24; Mark 5:36
- Coming in Our Needs - Matthew 9: 18, 21
- Suffering Brings People to Jesus - Matthew 9:18-21
- The Touch of the Master’s Hand - Matthew 9:18-21
- Delight of Fasting - Acts 13:2,3
- Purpose of Fasts - Isaiah 58:6,7
- Deception of Fasting - Matthew 6:16-18
- Definition of Fasting - Matthew 4:1-4
- Facts and Fables on Fasting - Matt. 9:14-17
- Jesus Changes Lost People - Matthew 9:12-18
- Jesus Instructs about Lost People - Matthew 9:10-12
- Jesus Associates with Lost People - Matthew 9:29 - Mark 2:15
- Jesus Gives the Invitation to Lost People - Matthew 9: 27
- Reaching Lost People - Matthew 9: 27-29
- Confidence – Notice the Confidence of Friends - Mark 2:5.
- Notice Commitment from Faithful Friends - Mark 2:3-5
- Observing Cooperation - Matthew 9:2
- Comparing Concern - Matthew 9:2-5
- Awestruck - Matt 9:1-7
- New Year - Opportunity for New Beginnings - Philippians 3 10
- New Years a Time for Renewal - Phil. 3:12-14
- New Years Day Resolutions - Eph 5:15-17
- New Year’s Thoughts. Opportunities for a New Year Ps. 90:1-12
- God's Gift Is Personal John 3:16 Dec. 27
- Perfect Gift. - 2 Corinthians 9:15
- God’s Place for the Birth - Luke 2:5-7
- Gift Giving - God’s Son - Luke 2:10-12
- Christmas Involves Faith
- Christmas Is About Fellowship - Luke 1: 39-45
- Christmas is a Reality - Luke 1:41-45
- Women Talk - Luke 1:35-40
- Coffee Hour Schedule 2025 Jan to June 15
- Greeter Schedule January to June 2025
- Greeter Schedule July to December 2025
- Joseph - A Spiritual Father - Matthew 1:20
- An Obedient Father - Matthew 1:24
- Joseph- a Responsible Father - Mattthew 1:20-25
- Joseph-A Righteous Father - Matthew1:19
- The Forgotten Father - Matt 1:18-19
- We Experience Growth - Mark 4:40-41
- Experiencing Rebuke - Matt. 8:25,26
- Experience Jesus’ Divine Power Matt. 8:24-26
- As Christians we all Experience Doubts - Mark 4: 38
- As Christians, We All Experience Storms - Matthew 8:23, 24
- Following Jesus Affects Our Relationships - Matthew 8:21,22
- Happy Thanksgiving - Psalm 95:1,2
- A Call Affects our Priorities - Matthew 8:20
- The Call to Follow Affects Our Conveniences - Matthew 8:19,20
- Folowing Jesus - Matthew 8: 18-22
- Taking Our Infirmities - Matthew 8:14-17
- Acknowledging Jesus’ Authority - Matthew 8:5-13
- A Lesson in Caring Matt. 8:5-13
- A Matter of Miracles - Matthew 8:14-17
- Power Displayed - Matthew 8:1-4
- The Message - Matthew 7:28 & 29
- The Consequences - Matthew 7: 27
- Notice the Differences - Luke 6:48-49
- Notice the Similarities - Matthew 7:24-29
- House building - Matthew 7:24-29
- Salvation Results in Followers - Matthew 7:21-23
- Salvation Results in Fruit - Matthew 7:15-20
- Salvation Received by the Faithful - Matthew 7:13-15
- Recieved by Few. - Matthew 7:13,14.
- The Narrow Way. -Matthew 7:13-14
- The Product of Prayer
- Persistence in Prayers Matt. 7: 7,8
- Privilege of Prayer. - Matthew 7:11
- Ask, Seek, and Knock - Matthew 7:7-12
- Jesus Speaks to a Condemning Attitude - Matthew 7:6
- Jesus speaks to Judging as a Helping Attitude- Matthew 7:5
- Jesus Speaks about Judging with Self Examination - Matthew 7:2-4
- Jesus speaks about a Judging with a Critical Attitude - Matthew 7:1-2
- Judging One Another - Mathew. 7:1-6
- Being Aware of God's' Principles Reduce Worry - Matthew 6:34
- Being Aware of God's Priorities helps reduce Worry - Matthew 6:31-34
- Being Aware of God's Provisions Helps Reduce Worry - Matthew 6:27-30
- Worry – Consider God’s Perspective - Matthew 6:25-26
- Other Fasts - 1 Cor. 7:5
- Facing Worry - Matthew 6:25
- What is a Fast? continued - Dan. 9:3
- What is a Fast? - Daniel 9:2-4
- Who Should Fast? - Matthew 9:14-17
- Facts and Fallacies on Fasts - Matthew 6: 16
- Lord’s Prayer Seeks Protection Matt. 6: 13-14
- The Lord’s Prayer Addresses Forgiveness - Matthew 6:12-15
- The Lord’s Prayer Seeks God’s Provision - Matthew 6:11
- Lord’s Prayer Seeks God’s Will - Matthew 6:10
- Lord’s Prayer begins with Praise - Matthew 6: 9
- The Lord’s Prayer – A Pattern - Matthew 6:9-15
- Considering Pretentious Prayer - Matthew 5: 7-8
- Considering Private Prayer - Matthew 5: 6
- Considering Personal Prayer - Matthew 5:6
- Considering Public Prayer - Matthew 5:5
- Preparing for Prayer - Matthew 6:5-8
- Principles of Sharing - Matthew 6:3-4
- The Principle of Need - Matthew 6:2-3
- Principle of Receiving - Matthew 6:2-4
- Principle of Giving - Matthew 6:1-4
- The Spirit of Giving - Matthew 6:1-4
- Perfect Love Matt. 5:48
- A Greater Love - Matthew 5:46, 47
- A Gracious Love - Matthew 5:45
- Godly Love - Matthew 5:43-44
- A New Kind of Love - Matthew 5:43-48
- Prophetic Revelation - Matthew 5:38-42
- Right to Possessions - Matthew 5:40-42
- Reconsidering Rights - Matt. 5: 39
- The Matter of Revenge - Matthew 5: 38
- Good for Evil - Matthew 5:38-42
- Integrity - Matt. 5: 36,37
- Legal Maneuvering - Mt. 23:16-22
- Misleading Words - Matt. 5: 34,35
- Making Oaths - Matt. 5:33
- The Way with Words - Matt. 5:33-37
- The Need for Reconciliation - Matt 5:31-32
- Jesus teaches on the Clause of Unfaithfulness Matt 5: 32
- Jesus Teaches on the Commitment of Marriage - Matt 5: 32 “B
- Jesus Comments on the Certificate of Divorce – Matt 5:3-32 & Deut 24:1-4
- Marriage Commitment - Matt. 5:31-32
- Be Pure in Love -Matt. 22:39
- Be Pure In Spirit - Matt 5: 29-30
- Be Pure in Mind - Matt 5: 28
- Physical Purity. - Matt. 5:27.
- Facing A Promiscuous Society Matt. 5:27-30
- Anger Affects our Relationships with Other Believers - Matt 5: 23-24
- Anger Affects our Relationships in the Community - Matt 5: 25
- Wrong Anger Affects Our Relationship with God Matt 5: 21
- Anger Reveals Something Deeper about Ourselves - Matt 5: 21, 22
- The Danger of Anger - Matt. 5:21-22
- The Law is Exceeded by Christ - Matt. 5: 20
- The Law is Illustrated by Christ - Matt 5: 19
- The Law is Completed by Christ - Matt 5: 18 - Galatians 3:19
- The Law is Fulfilled by Christ - Matt 5:17
- The Place of the Law - Matthew 5:17-20
- The Light Source - Matt. 5;16; John 8:12
- Light is to be Spread – Matt 5:16 & John 8:12
- Light is to be Shown - Matt 5:15b-16
- Light Helps us See - Matthew 5:14-16
- Light of the World - Matthew 5:14-16
- Salt Makes Food Palatable - Matthew 5:13
- Salt Purifies - Ezekiel 16:1
- Salt is a Preservative - Lev. 2:13
- Salt is Precious - Matt 5: 13
- Be Salt of the Earth - Matt. 5:13
- Blessings Reserved for the Persecuted - Matt 5: 10,11
- Peacemaker’s Reward Matt. 5: 11- 12
- Peacemakers’ Rejection - Matt. 5:10-12
- Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the Sons of God." Matt. 10:34
- Seeking Peace - Matt 5: 9
- Meditate on Motives Matt. 5:8
- Meditate on Mercy. - Matthew 5:7.
- Meditate on Morality. - Matthew 5:6.
- Meditate on Meekness - Matthew 5:3
- THE HAPPY MAN - Matt. 5:3,4
- Jesus Brings Comfort - Matt 5:4
- Jesus Sought Conversion - Matt. 5:2-6
- Jesus Presents Blessings - Matt. 5:1-3
- Jesus Brought Compassion Matt 4:23-5:2
- The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Matt 4:23-5:2
- Authority in Power - Matt. 4:24-25
- Authority in Teaching - Matt. 4:23
- Authority in His Call - Matt. 4:18-22
- Authority in Preaching - Matt. 4:17
- Ready to Serve - Matt 4:12-16
- The Temptations to Pride and Fame - Matt 4:5-11
- The Temptation - Matt. 4:1- 4
- Baptism's Meaning - Matthew 3: 13 - 15
- A Look at Jesus’ Baptism - Matt 3:7-12
- Introducing Jesus - Matt. 3:1-6
- Death of a Saint Influential for Eternity - Luke 4:18-30
- Death of a Saint Influential in Burial 2 Kings 13:20-21
- Influential in Service- 2 Kings 13: 15 - 19
- The Death of a Saint, Influential in Sickness - 2 Kings 13:14
- Death of a Saint - 2 Kings 13:14
- Reputation Includes Godly Words - 2 Kings 9: 1-3
- Reputation for Godly Wisdom - 2 Kings 8: 7 - 13
- Reputation of a Godly Witness 2 Kings 8: 4,7,10&11
- Reputation of Godly Works - 2 Kings 8:1-6
- Reputation. - 2 Kings 8, 9. & 1 Timothy 3:7
- Consequences for the Hard Hearted - 2 Kings 7:2 & 17-20
- Hope for the Hopeless - 2 Kings 7:3-16
- Healing for the Humble - 2 Kings 6:33-7:2
- There is Hatred for the Holy - 2 Kings 6:24-7:1
- Sharing the Good News 2 Kings 7:1 & 2
- Considering Kindness - 2 Kings 6: 21-23
- Acknowledging Faith - 2 Kings 6: 16 - 20
- Addressing Fear - 2 Kings 6: 15 & 16
- Exposing Folly - 2 Kings 6:8-23
- Unseen Forces - 2 Kings 6:15-17
- Exposing His Guilt - 2 Kings 5:25-27
- The Reaction of Greed - 2 Kings 5:20-24
- The Response of Gratitude 2 Kings 5: 15,17-19,23
- The Receiving of Grace. - 2 Kings 5: 15 &16
- Considering Gifts - 2 Kings 5:21-23
- The Path to Cleansing - 2 Kings 5:9-15
- Coming in our Weakness - 2 Kings 5:5-8
- The Power of Gentle Witness - 2 Kings 5:2-7
- The Problem of POSITION - 2 Kings 5:1
- The Power of Humble Influence 2 Kings 5:1-2
- God can Correct our Accidents 2 Kings 6:1-7.
- God can Supplement our Shortcomings 2 Kings 4:42-44
- God can Overcome our Mistakes 2 Kings 4:38-41
- Raising the Dead -2 Kings 4:8-37
- Miracles - 2 Kings 4:32 & 35
- Facing Trials with Triumphant Faith - 2 Kings 4:32-37
- Facing Trials with Trusting Faith - 2 Kings 4:29-31
- Trials Tempt our Faith 2 - Kings 4:22-28
- Trials Test our Faith - 2 Kings 4:17-25
- Trials - James 1:2-4
- Hints for Hospitality- Receiving a Blessing - Kings 4: 14 -17
- Hints for Hospitality- Not Seeking Something in Return - 2 Kings 4:11-13
- Hints for Hospitality- Making Provisions - 2 Kings 4:9-10
- Hints for Hospitality- Giving an Invitation - 2 Kings 4: 8
- Holy Hospitality - 2 Kings 4:8
- Handling Debt by Work - 2 Kings 4:7
- Debt and the Work of God - 2 Kings 4:5,6
- Handle Debt by Seeking Help 2 Kings 4:3,4
- Handle Debt by Seeking Advice - 2 Kings 4: 1-2
- Dealing with Debt - 2 Kings 4:1
- Music Affects our Actions - 2 Kings 3:12-13
- Music Affects the Soul - 2 Kings 3:15
- Music Affects the Mind 2 Kings 3:15-18
- Music Affects the Emotions - 2 Kings 3:14-16
- Music - 2 Kings 3:10-20
- The Consequences of Evil - II Kings 2:23-25
- The Cure of Sin’s Curse - 2 Kings 2:20-22
- The Curse of Sin - 2 Kings 2:19
- The Curse of Change - II Kings 2:16-18
- Curses - 2 Kings 2:19-25
- A Good Student is Willing - 2 Kings 2:14-15
- Good Student Demonstrates Faith - 2 Kings 2:11-14
- A Good Student Demonstrates Desire - II Kings 2:7-10
- A Good Student Demonstrates Perseverance. - II Kings 2:1-6
- Mantle Carriers 2 Kings 2:1-2
- From Condemnation to Death - I King 21:17-29
- Sin Exposed - I King 21:15-20
- From Envy to Sin - I King 21:7-13
- Concern when Desire leads to Envy - I King 21:4-7
- Judgement - I Kings 21:1-6
- God desires a HUMBLED HEART - 1 Kings 19: 21
- God Desires a SEPARATED HEART - I King 19:19-21
- GOD desires A WILLING HEART - I King 19:20
- God Desires a Prepared Heart - 1 King 19:15-19
- Call of God. - 1 Kings 19:15-21.
- Practical Solutions to Depression - 1 Kings 19: 5-13
- Contributing Factors to Depression Continued - 1 Kings 19:9,10
- Some Contributing Factors for Depression 1 Kings 19: 1-4
- Depression - 1 Kings 19:1-4
- Undeserved Prayer - I Kings 18:42-46
- Perseverance in Prayer I King 18:42-44
- Posture for Prayer - I King 18:42
- The Preparation to Prayer I Kings18:39-46
- Principles of Prayer 1 Kings 18:40-46
- Return 1 Kings 18:38-39
- Powerful Praying 1 Kings 18:16-40
- Call to Truth  1 Kings 18:26-35
- Commitment - 1 Kings 18:21-25.
- Preparing for Revival. - I King 18:16-40.
- Spiritual Maturity. - 1 Kings 18:10-15
- Different Tasks. - 1 Kings 18:1-6.
- Different Gifts. - 1 Kings 17:5-13
- Different Personalities. - 1 Kings 18:1-4.
- Differences. - 1 Kings 18:1-15.
- Faith Responses to Tragedy - 1 King 17:21-24
- Practical Responses to Tragedies - 1 Kings 17:19 - 21
- Guilty Responses to Tragedy - 1 Kings 17:18
- Emotional Reactions to Tragedy - I Kings 17:17-18
- Facing a Tragedy - I King 17:17
- Testing Involves a Step of Sacrifice - I King 17:9-16
- Trust involves a Step of Testing - I Kings 17:7-9
- Trusting Involves a Step of Waiting - I King 17:5
- Trusting involves a step of Obedience - I King 17:5;8-10
- Trust in the Lord - I King 17:2-4
- Elijah Believed God’s Word
- God's Authority. - 1 Kings 17:1.
- Knowing God is Alive - I King 17:1
- The Call of God on Elijah - I Kings 17:1
- The Spirit of Elijah - I Kings 17:1
- God Offers His Prescription for Success Joshua 1:6-9
- God Offers His Power - Joshua 1:5& 9
- God Offers His Promises - Joshua 1:5
- God Offers His Plan - Josh.1:1-4
- Success for the New Year - Josh. 1:1-9.
- Christ’s Everlasting Kingdom Phil 2:10-11, Rev. 17:14
- Establishing His Kingdom. - Isa. 9:7,8.
- Spiritual Kingdom. - Isa. 9:7. Col. 1:16
- The Growing Kingdom. - Isa. 9:7, Matt.13:31-32.
- King of Kings. - Isa. 9:7 Rev. 17:14.
- The Prince of Peace Provides Peace with Others - Ephesians 2:14-18
- The Prince of Peace Provides Peace with Ourselves - Col 3:15
- The Prince of Peace Provides Peace with God - Colossians 1:20-21
- The Example of the Prince of Peace - Luke 2:14
- Jesus is called The Prince of Peace - Isaiah 9:6
- Jesus Fulfills Being the Everlasting Father - Romans 8:35, 37-39
- Jesus Fulfills the Name as Everlasting Father as a Protector - John 17:11-12
- Jesus Fulfills the Name as Father used as Primary Founder - Roman 4:16,18
- Jesus Fulfills the Name of Everlasting Father.
- Mighty God is Evidenced in Christ’s Followers - Luke 8:49-56
- Mighty God is Evidenced in His Promises - Luke 2:30-32; I John 3:8
- Mighty God is Evidenced in Christ’s Attributes - Isaiah 9:6
- Mighty God is Evidenced Since Christ’s Birth.
- His Name Shall be Called Mighty God Isaiah 9:6
- The Wonderful Counselor has Complete Power
- The Wonderful Counsellor has Complete Truth
- The Wonderful Counsellor has Complete Wisdom
- His Name Shall be Called Wonderful Counselor - Isaiah 9:6
- The Thanksgiving of: S- SIMEON - Luke 2:25-35
- Testimony of Thanksgiving' K- KING DAVID Ps 111:1-10
- Thanksgiving Testimony N- NAAMAN (II Ki 5:1-16)
- Thanksgiving Testimony - A- ABRAHAM - Genesis 22:9-14
- Testimonies of Thanks – T-Tabatha – Acts 9:36-42
- John’s Testimony - John 19:35, 36
- Who Killed Christ?. - John 19:32-34.
- Their Death Rituals - John 19:31
- Jesus Fulfilled His Requirements - John 19:28-30
- Jesus’ Death - John 19:28-30
- Reflections on Medical Directives - Romans 14:8-9
- Reflections on Euthanasia - Job 1:20,21
- Reflections on Abortion - Proverbs 24:10&11
- Reflections on Suicide - 1 Cor. 10:13
- Guiding Principles on Life and Death Matters - Job 1:21
- Consider the Deliverance from Hell
- Consider Some Descriptions of Hell
- The Unrepentant - Rom 2:5-6, Rom. 11:22.
- Consider the Debate on Hell
- Considering Hell - Matthew 10:28
- Heaven's Worship Rev. 14:1-3
- Heaven’s Work Matt. 25:21, Rev 22:3
- Heaven's Wonders Rev 21:18-23
- Heaven’s Words 2 Cor. 12:2-4
- Heaven Heb. 9:24
- Christ’s Resurrected Body. - 1 Thes. 4:16-18.
- Overcoming Death. -1 Cor. 15:4-8.
- The Burial of Christ.-1 Cor. 15:3-4, Matt. 12:40.
- The Purpose of Christ’s Death-1 Cor. 15:3,4.
- Christ's Death. - 1 Cor. 15:3-4.
- Christ’s Resurrection. - John 21:4-14.
- The Resurrected Body 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.
- Sermon Nuggets:- Near Death. - Acts 7:55-60
- After Death Experiences – Various Scriptures
- Death - A Conscious State? - Revelations 6:9-10
- Intermediate state - What about Purgatory? - Luke 16:26-31
- Jesus had a Ministry in the Place of the Dead - Ephesians 4:8-10
- The Bible Describes the Place of the Dead - Various Passages
- The Bible Teaches There is Conscious Existence After Death - Matt 22:31-33 & Rev 6:9-10
- Death’s Intermediate State Thessalonians 4:14-18
- Destination Following Death - Rev 21:4; John 8:21
- Destruction of Death – 1 Corinthians 15:26
- Descriptions of Death - Various Scriptures
- Some Definitions of Death - Genesis 2:16-17
- Death and Dying: An Introduction - Hebrews 9:27-28
- Reason to Rejoice - Habakkuk 3:17-19
- Focus on God's Faithfulness - Habakkuk 3:16-18
- God Delivers His People –Habakkuk 3:8-16
- Refocused on God - Habakkuk 3:3-7
- Advance Worship Habakkuk 3:1,2
- Confidence in the Lord. Habakkuk 2:3
- Facing Oppression with Absolute Authority Habakkuk 2:15-20
- Facing Oppression with Assurance - Habakkuk 2:8-14
- Facing Oppression with Faith - Habakkuk 2:4-8
- God' Warnings - Habakkuk 2:1-3
- Problem with Perspective - Habakkuk 2:1-3
- Problem with Perception - Habakkuk 1:13-17
- Disappointment with God includes a Problem with Plans – Habakuk 1:5-2:1
- Disappointment with God includes a Problem with Patience - Habakkuk 1:1-4
- Disappointed in God
- Greetings and Kisses - 1 Peter 5:13-14
- Recognize the Grace of God - 1 Peter 5:12b
- Recognize the Importance of Friends - 1 Peter 5:12-14
- Through it All - 1 Peter 5:12
- Peace to You - 1 Peter 5:12-14
- God’s Victory in Suffering - 1 Peter 5:10, 11
- God’s Power in Resistance through Struggles - 1 Peter 5:8-9
- God’s Care in our Anxieties - 1 Peter 5: 7
- Grace in our Struggles - 1 Peter 5:5,6.
- God's Power in our Struggles - 1 Peter 5:8,9
- Evaluate Pastors Motive - 1 Peter 5:4
- Evaluate Pastors’ Task - 1 Pet 5:2-3
- Evaluate Pastors’ Focus - 1 Peter 5:1,2
- Advice to Pastors - Hope - Peter 5:1
- Evaluating Leaders - Advice to Pastors - 1 Peter 5:1-4
- A Plan for Suffering 1 Peter 4:19
- A Prediction of Suffering = 1 Peter 4:17-18
- Discovering Some Purpose of Suffering - 1 Peter 4:13-16
- Promise of Suffering - 1 Peter 4:12
- Suffering and the Will of God - I Peter 4:12
- A Living Example in Speech - 1 Peter 4: 11
- Living Example in Service - 1 Peter 4:9,10
- A Living Example in Love - 1 Peter 4: 8,9
- Prayer. - 1 Peter 4:7.
- Living Example. - 1 Peter 4:7-11.
- Suffering causes us to consider Eternity - 1 Peter 3:5,6
- Commitment causes us to Repent - 1 Peter 4: 3-4
- Suffering Can Cause us to seek God’s Will - 1 Peter 4: 2
- Considering Commitment in Hard Times - 1 Peter 4: 1
- Considering Commitment - 1 Peter 4:1
- Christian Message is about Ascension - 1 Peter 3:22
- Christian message is about the RESURRECTION - 1 Peter 3:18
- The Christian message is about a BURIAL - 1 Peter 3:19-21
- The Christian Message is About A DEATH - 1 Peter 3:18
- The Work of Christ - I Peter 3:18
- A Real Witness Mes a Difference in Attitudes - 1 Peter 3:16,17
- A Real Witness Makes a Difference in Answers - 1 Peter 3:15
- A Real Witness makes Difference in Actions - 1 Peter 3:13-14
- A Real Witness- Affection for Jesus. 1 Peter 3:15
- Real Witness - 1 Peter 3:13-17
- Righteousness Includes Prayers - 1 Peter 3:12.
- Righteousness - Includes Blessing and Peace - I Peter 3:9:11-12
- Righteousness - Includes Restraint - 1 Peter 3:9-10
- Righteousness - Includes Sympathy, Brotherly Love, Compassion - Peter 3:8
- Righteousness-A Better Way - 1 Peter 3:8 - Harmony & Humility
- What Husbands Should Know – Reasons - 1 Peter 3:7
- What Husbands Should Know - 1 Peter 3:7
- What Husbands should Know – Responsibility - 1 Peter 3:7
- What Husbands Should Know- Relationships - 1 Peter 3:7
- What Husbands Should Know - 1 Peter 3:7
- Harmony in the Home – Involves Trust - 1 Peter 3:5,6
- Harmony in the Home - Includes Gentleness - 1 Peter 3:4
- Harmony in the Home - Includes Purity - 1 Peter 3:2,3
- Marriage includes Submissiveness - 1 Peter 3:1
- Harmony in the Home -Wives - 1 Peter 3:1
- Consider the Pattern of Work: Jesus - 1 Peter 2:21-25
- Consider the Principles of Work - Titus 2:9-10
- Consider the Purpose of Work - 1 Peter 2:19-20
- Consider the Privilege of Work 1 Peter 2: 18
- Jesus and Our Jobs - 1 Peter 2:12
- Peter’s Politics – Live with Respect - 1 Pet 2:17
- Peter’s Politics- Live with Responsible Freedom - 1 Peter 2:16
- Peter’s Politics- Doing Good - 1 Peter 2:15.
- PETER'S POLITICS - Live with the Attitude of Submission - 1 Peter 2:13,14
- Live with God’s Glory in Mind - 1 Peter 2:12
- Foundations of Faith - What Does it mean to be a Holy Nation? - 1 Pet 2:9-12
- Foundations of Faith - Holy Priesthood - I Peter 2:5,9
- Foundations of Faith - Living Stones - 1 Peter 2:5
- Foundations of Faith - Spiritual House - 1 Peter 2:4-8
- Foundations of Faith - 1 Peter 2:4-7
- Love is Selfless - 1 Peter 2:1-3
- Love is Sincere -1 Peter 1:22-25
- The Effects of the Word Implants Love - 1 Peter 1:22-23
- Effects of the Word- Salvation 1 Pet. 1:18-21
- Effects of the Word - I Peter 1:18-22
- Prepared for Hope. - 1 Peter 1:18-21.
- Prepared for Judgment1 Peter - 1:16,17
- Be Prepared by Holiness - 1 Peter 1:14-16
- Be Prepared for Action - I Peter 1:13
- Be Prepared. - 1 Peter 1:13.
- Testimonies encourage the persecuted -I Peter 1:12
- Hope Through the Scriptures - 1 Peter 1: 10,11
- The Hope from our Savior - 1 Peter 1:8,9
- Spiritual Value by Suffering - 1 Peter 1:6,7
- A Living Hope - I Peter 1:3-5
- God's Wonder - 1 Peter 1:3-5
- The Work of the Triune God - 1 Peter 1:2
- God Knows All You are Going Through - 1 Peter 1:1-2
- Peter’s Principles - A Willing Worker - 1 Peter 1:1
- Peter’s Principles - His Introduction - 1 Peter 1:1
- Obey God's Commands Before It's Too Late - Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
- Be Discerning in Your Resources - Ecclesiastes 12:11-12
- Study God's Word While You're Open - Ecclesiastes 12:9-11
- Serve God While You're Able – Ecclesiastes 12:1-8
- Remember Your Creator - Ecclesiastes 12:1
- Giving Love - Ecclesiastes 11:10
- Responding to Opportunities - Ecclesiastes 11:8-9
- Gaining by Living Diligently - Ecclesiastes 11: 6-7
- Security in Insecure Times - Ecclesiastes 11:3-5
- Giving. - Ecclesiastes 11:1-10.
- Secrets. - Ecclesiastes 10:20.
- Excuses- Eccl. 10:18-20
- Motormouth. - Ecclesiastes 10:14,15.
- Destructive Words. - Ecclesiastes 10:12-15.
- Foolish Words. - Ecclesiastes 10:12-20.
- Carelessness. - Ecclesiastes 10:8-11.
- Position. - Ecclesiastes 10:5-7 & 16,17.
- Â Impulsiveness. - Ecclesiastes 10:4.
- Foolish Choices. - Ecclesiastes 10:1-3.
- Foolish. - Ecclesiastes 10:1-20.
- Stability. - Ecclesiastes 9:16-18.
- Surprises. - Ecclesiastes 9:13-15.
- False Confidence. - Ecclesiastes 9:12
- Unknown. - Ecclesiastes 9:11.
- Unpredictable. - Ecclesiastes 9:1.
- Diligence Eccl. 9:10
- Thankfulness. - Ecclesiastes 9:7-9.
- Faithful Work. - Ecclesiastes 9:4-6
- Facing the Inevitable - Ecclesiastes 9:1-3
- Preparing for Death – Ecclesiastes 9:3
- Divine Authority - Ecclesiastes 8:12-17
- Abused Authority – Ecclesiastes 8:9-11,14
- Limited Authority – Ecclesiastes 8:7-9
- Proper Authority – Ecclesiastes 8:1-6
- Authority and Submission – Ecclesiastes 8:1,2
- Ways of Wisdom - Be Warned – Ecclesiastes 7:20-29
- Ways of Wisdom - Be Dependable – Ecclesiastes 7:13-19
- Words of Wisdom - Be Self-controlled – Ecclesiastes 7:7-12
- Words of Wisdom - Be Discerning - Ecclesiastes 7:5-6
- Be Prepared – Ecclesiastes 7:1-4
- Searching for Satisfaction in Philosophy – Ecclesiastes 6:10-12
- Searching for Contentment – Ecclesiastes 6:8,9
- Searching for Satisfaction in Food - Ecclesiastes 6:7
- Satisfaction in Family – Ecclesiastes 6:3-6
- Searching for Satisfaction in Things – Ecclesiastes 6:1-2
- The Discovery of Wealth - Ecclesiastes 5:18-20
- Destruction of Wealth – Ecclesiastes 5:13-17
- Desires of Wealth - Ecclesiastes 5:10-12
- Discrimination of Wealth – Ecclesiastes 5:8-9
- Deception of Wealth - Ecclesiastes 5:10
- Worshipers need to be in Awe of God – Ecclesiastes 5:7
- Ways of Worship - Worshipers need to Obey – Ecclesiastes 5:4-6
- Ways of Worship - Worshipers Need to Reflect - Ecclesiastes 5:2,3
- Ways of Worship – Listen – Ecclesiastes 5:1
- Ways of Worship - Ecclesiastes 5:1,2
- Praise for the Presence of Others - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
- Fickle Followers – Ecclesiastes 4:13-16
- Displaying Discontent - Ecclesiastes 4:7-8
- The Emptiness of Envy - Ecclesiastes 4:4-6
- Chasing After the Wind – Ecclesiastes 4:4-7
- Unknown. - Ecclesiastes 3:22.
- Oppression. - Ecclesiastes 4:1-2.
- Â Mortality. - Ecclesiastes 3: 18-21
- Judgement. - Ecclesiastes 3:16,17.
- Unfair. - Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:3.
- God has a Purpose – Ecclesiastes 3:14-15
- God Has a Procedure – Ecclesiastes 3:9-13
- God Gives Perception – Ecclesiastes 3:5-8
- God Gives Perspective – Ecclesiastes 3:3-4
- God has a Pattern - Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
- Times and Seasons. - Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 - In His Time
- The Promise of Pleasure - Ecclesiastes 2:24-25
- The Pain of Pleasure - Ecclesiastes 2:1
- The Pleasure of Possessions - Ecclesiastes 2:4-9
- The Pursuit of Pleasure - Ecclesiastes 2:1-3 & 10
- Pondering Pleasures - Ecclesiastes 2:1
- Understanding Solomon’s Summary - Eccl 12:13-14
- Understanding Solomon’s Search - Eccl. 1:9-11
- Understanding Solomon’s Subject – Ecclesiastes 1:4- 8
- Understanding Solomon's Situation - Luke 1:76-80
- Understanding Solomon's Sermon – Ecclesiastes 1:3
- Responses. - Luke 2:36-38
- Simeon's Prophecy. - Luke 2:33-35.
- Simeon’s Praise. - Luke 2:28-32
- Simeon's Privilege. - Luke 2:27,28.
- Simeon's Song. - Luke 2:25-35.
- New Relationship - Luke 1:76-80
- A New Hope - Luke 1:76-80
- A New Song - Luke 1:67-75
- Zechariah’s Praise - A New Name - Luke 1:62-72
- Zechariah's Song - Luke 1:57-66
- Grace Promised. - Luke 1: 54,55.
- Mary’s Song includes God’s Grace in Power - Luke 1:50-53
- Partners in Grace - Luke 1:13-14
- God’s Grace Produces Personal Praise - Luke 1:46-49
- Mary’s Song - Luke 1:35-38
- Purpose of Praise - Luke 1:41-45
- Personal Praise - Luke 1: 23, 24
- Promised Child. - Luke 1:8-20.
- Prelude to Praise - Luke 1:5-9
- Christmas Carols. - Luke 1. Elizabeth's Paise
- God questions Jonah's Heart. - Jonah 4:10,11.
- Jonah's Priorities. - Jonah 4:5-9.
- Anger. - Jonah 4:1-4.
- Questioning God. - Jonah 4:1,2,8
- Jonah Pouts. - Jonah 4.
- God Responds in Compassion Jonah 3: 9-10
- Repentance. - Jonah 3:5-9.
- Thanksgiving Prayer. - Ps. 105:1 & Phil 4:6-7.
- Obedience. - Jonah 3:3,4
- Second Chances. - Jonah 3:1-4.
- Jonah Preaches. - Jonah 3.
- Prayer of Dedication Jonah 2:8-10
- Prayer of Devotion. - Jonah 2:8-9.
- Prayer for Deliverance. - Jonah 2:2, 4,7.
- Prayer of Repentance and Distress Jonah 2:2-5
- Jonah Prays - Jonah 2:1,2
- Mercy for Rebellion - Jonah 1:7
- The Consequences of Rebellion - Jonah 1:7-17
- Glimpses of Rebellion - Jonah 1: 3-7
- Rebellion’s Reasons. - Jonah 1:3 & 4:1-3.
- Jonah Protests - Jonah 1: 1-3
- There is a Plan - 2 Thessalonians 3: 6,12-18
- There is the Principle Regarding Idleness - 2 Thessalonians 3:10
- Paul Demonstrates an Example for Work - 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9
- There is a Problem of Idleness - 2 Thessalonians 3:10-11
- The Place of Work - 2 Thessalonians.3:6-10
- The Need for Perseverance in Love - 2 Thessalonians 3:5
- The Need for Perseverance in Obedience - 2 Thessalonians 3:4,5
- The Need for Protection - 2 Thessalonians 3:2,3
- Need for Prayer - 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2
- Hold to World Concerns - 2 Thessalonioans3:1-5
- Hold to the Teachings and Good Deeds - 2 Thess. 2:15-17
- Responses of Thanks Liviing - 2 Thess 2:15-17
- Remember What God will Do - 2 Thessalonians 2:14
- Remember What God is Doing - 2 Thessalonians 2:13
- Remember What God Has Done - 2 Thessalonians 2:13
- Be Warned against delusions and ruin - 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12
- Be Warned of Unleashed Delusions – 2 Thessalonians 2:5-9
- Warned of Rebellion - 2 Thessalonians 2:.3-6
- Warned against Rumor - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3
- Results of His Return - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
- Reflecting His Glory - 2 Thess. 1:12
- Encouragement of Prayer - 2 Thess. 1:.11,12
- Encouraged by Gods Righteous Judgment - 2 Thess. 1:5-10
- Encouraged by perseverance 2 Thess. 1:.3,4
- When Things Look Tough - 2 Thes. 1:1,2
- The Price of Redemption - Hebrews 11:31,32
- The Price for Restoration - Judges 16:26-31
- The Price of Sin- Mockery and Ridicule Judges 16:25-27
- The Price of SIN- Experiencing Consequences - Judges 16:21,23-25
- Samson's Price - Judges 16:20-21
- Spiritual Concerns - Pleasures Affect Spirituality - Judges 16:19-21
- The Pleasures of Mental Temptations - Judges 16:16-20
- Love has no strings attached - Judges 16:6-16
- The Pleasures of Physical Temptation - Judges 16:1, 14
- Samson‘s Passions - Judges 16:1-4
- Pride Affects our Attitudes Judges 14&15
- Pride affects Actions 14:18-20 & 15:14-17
- Pride Affects our Associations - Judges 14:10,11, 14-18
- Pride Affects our Appetites- Judges 14:1-13
- Samson’s Pride. - Judges 14, 15.
- Parents Commitment - Judges 13:19-20 & 24
- Parents concern – Judges 13:8,12-14
- Parents Communication - Judges 13:6-11
- The Parent’sCall - Judges 13:2-5
- Samson’s Parents - Judges 13:1-3
- Happiness Concludes some things - Psalm 1:3-6
- Happiness Includes some Things - Psalm 1: 2
- Avoid the Wrong Crowd - Psalms 1:1
- Happiness Excludes some Things
- Happiness- Like a Tree Planted - Psalms 1:1-6
- There’s a Need for Church Support - Colossians 4:15-18
- There is a need for Spiritual Support – Colossians 4:12-14
- Emotional Support - There is a need for Emotional Support - Colossians 4:10-11
- Fellowship Provides Practical Support - Colossians 4:7-9
- Precious Fellowship - Colossians 4:15-16
- Considerate Witness. - A winsome witness is a Considerate Person- Colossians 4:6
- Careful Procedure - A winsome Witness needs a Careful Procedure - Colossians 4:5
- Clear Witness - A Witness needs a Clear Presentation - Colossians 4:4
- Consistent Prayer - Colossians 4:3
- Winsome Witness Witness. - Colossians 4:3-6.
- Specific Prayer - Effective praying is Specific Praying - Colossians 4:3,4
- Thankful Praying - Effective Praying is Thankful Praying - Colossians 4:2
- Praying is Watchful Praying - Watchful - Colossians 4:2
- Faithful Prayer - Effective praying is Faithful Praying - Colossians 4:2
- Considering Prayer - Colossians 4:2-4
- God’s Workmen - Purpose of Work - Colossians 3:23-25
- Conditions of Employment - Employers - Colossians 4:1
- God’s Workmen - Attitude of workers - Colossians 3:22-23
- God's Workmen - Quality of Work - Colossians 3:22
- God’s Workmen - Colossians 3:22-4:1
- Children and Parents - Importance of Fathers - Luke 11:11-13
- Children and Parents - Issue of Offense - Ephesians 6:1-4
- Children and Parents - Importance of Obedience - Colossians 3:20-21
- Children and Parents - Importance of Order - Colossians 3:20-21
- Children and Parents. - Colossians 3:20-22
- Better Spouses - Seeking to be a Better Spouse - Colossians 3:17-19
- Adjustments - Adjustments to Marriage with Commitment - Ephesians 4:22-32
- Pre-marriage Considerations - Before Marriage - Colossians 3:17,18
- Marriage - Why? - Genesis 1:27,28.
- Marriage – A Personal Dialogue - Colossians 3:17-19
- Part II - Christian Clothing - Put on the Wardrobe of the Word - Colossians 3:16-17
- Part I - Christian Clothing - Put on the Wardrobe of the Word - Colossians 3:16-17
- Peace - Put on the Apparel of Peace - Colossians 3:15
- Love - Put on the clothes of Love - Colossians 3:14
- Christian Clothing - Put on Forgiveness - Colossians 3:13
- Christian Clothing - Colossians 3:12; 3:17
- Patterns - Put to Death your Old Nature by Examining your Patterns - Colossians 3:8-11
- Nurturing your Nature by Putting to Death your Old Nature Desires – Colossians 3: 5-7
- Renewing - Nurturing your Nature by Renewing your Mind - Colossians 3:2-4
- Refocus - Raise to Life your New Nature by Refocusing your Heart – Colossians 3:1
- New Nature - Nurturing Your New Nature - Colossians 3:10.
- Reality in Christ - Judged Based on a Real Relationship - Colossians 2:17; 3:1-4.
- Christ is Complete in Forgiveness - Colossians 2:11-14
- Revelations - Judged based on Religious Revelations - Colossians 2:18,19
- Rituals - Judged by Religious Rituals - Colossians 2:16,17
- Legalism - Lethal Laws - Colossians 2:16-23
- Complete in Christ - Christ is Complete in Victory - Colossians 2:11-15
- Complete in Christ - Christ is Complete in Forgiveness - Colossians 2:11-14.
- Complete in Christ - Christ is Complete in Character - Colossians 2:1-5
- Complete in Christ - Christ is Complete in Truth - Colossians 2:8-11
- Complete in Christ - Colossians 2:8-15
- Complete in Christ - Colossians 2:6-7
- False Teaching - The Trappings of Traditions - Colossians 2:5-8
- False Teachers - The Lures of Liberalism - Colossians 2:4Â Â
- False Teachers - Beware of the Emotions of Experience - Colossians 2:1,2
- Warnings - Believer, Beware -Colossians 2:1-9
- Christ in You - Our Motive for Ministry - Colossians 2:1-5
- Our Means of Ministry - Colossians 1:28,29
- Our Method for Ministry - Colossians 1:24,28,29 & 2:1.
- The Message for our Ministry - Colossians 1:26,27
- The Message - Christ in You - Colossians 1:24-25
- Lord of your Life - Jesus is LORD of your Life Day 2 - Colossians 1:16-20.
- Lord of your Life - Jesus is LORD of your Life - Colossians 1:16-20.
- Lord of the Church - Jesus is LORD of the Church - Colossians 1:18.
- Lord of Power - Jesus is LORD of Powers - Colossians 1:15-20.
- Lord of Creation - Jesus is LORD of Creation - Colossians 1:15-20
- Lord of All - Jesus is LORD of All - Colossians 1:15-20
- Prayer to be a Light to the World - Colossians 1:11-14
- Good Works - Prayer for Showing Good Works - Colossians 1:10-12
- Growth - Prayer for Growing in God's Ways - Colossians 1:9-10
- God’s Will - Prayer for Knowing of God's Will - Colossians 1:9
- Prayer for Sowing of God's Word – Colossians 1:3-8
- Thankful for Growth in Enduring Hope - Colossians 1: 3
- Thankful for Growth in Real Love. - Colossians 1:3
- Thankful for Growth in Faith - Colossians 1:1-3
- Chistian Essentials - Colossians 1:1-4
- Resurrected Service - The Culmination of Service - John 21:23-25
- Resurrected Service - Clarity of Service - John 21:20-22
- Resurrected Service - Commitment to Service - John 21:18,19
- Resurrected Service - The Core of Service - Sacrificial Love - John 21:15-17
- Resurrected Service - Called To Service - In Love - John 21:14-17
- Resurrection Enlivens - The Living Lord Enlivens Us - Luke 5:9-11Â
- Resurrection Enriches - The Living Christ Enriches Us - John 21:12-14 Â
- Resurrection Encouraged - The Living Christ Encourages Us - John 21:7-11 Â
- Resurrection Encounters - The Living Christ Encounters Us - John 21:3-6.  Â
- Resurrection Encounters - The Living Lord Affects Us - John 21:1,2.  Â
- The Resurrection – From Doubt to Trust - John 20:28-31 Â
- The Resurrection - Doubts Examined - John 20:26-27Â Â
- The Resurrection - Doubts Confronted. - John 20:26-27
- The Resurrection - Doubt Expressed. - John 20:21-24
- The Resurrection - Doubting Others – John 20:19-24   Â
- The Resurrection - The Witness. - John 20:17-18
- The Resurrection - From Doubts to Discovery - John 20:10-16Â Â
- The Resurrection - Grave Clothing - John 20:3-10Â
- The Resurrection - The Two Mary's - John 20:1,2
- The Resurrection - Wide Eyed - John 20:1-18
- Jesus Death - Burial demonstrates Courage - John 19:38-40Â
- Jesus Death - The Burial - John 19:38-42Â
- Jesus Death - Who Killed Christ? - John 19:32-34. Â
- Jesus Death Predicted - The Jews Finished their Requirements - John 19:31. Â
- Jesus Death - Jesus Fulfilled His Requirements - John 19:28-30.
- Jesus Death - John 19:28-30
- The Crucifixion - Selfless Love - John 19:25-27
- The Crucifixion -Â The Robe Points to His Sacrificial Love - John 19:23-24Â Â
- The Crucifixion - Points to Christ’s Sovereign Love - John 19:19-21Â
- The Crucifixion - The Cross Points to Christ’s Saving Love - John 19:17-18
- The Crucifixion - Dying Love - John 19:14-16Â Â
- Mockery- A Christlike Response -Â John 19:8-16
- Mockery- Because of Hatred -Â John 19:6-11
- Mockery – By Sarcasm - Matthew 27:27-32Â
- Mockery - By Humiliation - John 19:1-5
- Mockery - Toward Christ - John 19:1-16
- The Trial - Hypocrisy of Politics - John 18:38-40
- The Trial - Hypocrisy of Justice. - John 18:28-37Â & Matthew 26:59Â
- The Trial - The Honesty of Jesus - John 18:19-24Â Â Â
- The Trial - The Hypocrisy of Religious Leaders - John 18:12-13 and Matthew 26:57-68 Â
- The Trial - Hypocrisy of the Trials of Jesus - John 18:12-14 & 19-24.
- The Arrest - Observe His Provision - John 18:11
- The Arrest - Observe Jesus Protection - John 18:7-11
- The Arrest - Jesus Demonstrates His Power - John 18:4-7
- The Arrest - Jesus Carries Out the Plan - John 18:3-4
- The Arrest - Insight in Kidron Valley - John 18:1-2