New Years Day Resolutions - Eph 5:15-17
January 1, 2025, 9:21 AM

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”

Each new year is an opportunity for renewal. As I ponder New Years Day, I am one who does make some resolutions. I tried to set goals for the church when I was a pastor. There were also goals for personal growth, for family relationships, for books I wanted to read, for things I wanted to write. The church had blessed me by allowing a few days for study break where I read, meditated, prayed, thought, reviewed the year and planned for the future. I’ve made all kinds of resolutions - I’ve kept some, broken more. So why try that again? I'm never too old to learn some things and know some things aren't worth my time and energy.          

I believe to make progress in my life, I need continued commitment to having an impact as a Christian in my day-to-day world.  Adopt simple things that for me are realistic, specific and measurable. I enjoy making new friends each year. I delight in seeing our grandkids grow. I find my adult children asking some questions, now and again. I also am learning to not share unsolicited wisdom. That's a goal again for this year.

I learned some things through the years like mastering a smart phone, staying consistent in writing Sermon Nuggets. 

You’d think after all these years I wouldn’t have much more to accomplish, but the goal line keeps getting pushed further down the road. I can’t run anymore so, I walk. As long as some progress is made, it is worth it. When you fall, get up again. Renewal is taking that which is good and renew efforts to grow the good.           

Some people seem dead, even though they are still speaking, breathing and walking. Their hearts and mouth are still going, but that is about all that can be said for them. They have stopped growing, stopped learning, stopped sharing.  Some people think they are too old to learn and cannot learn.          

Eugene Peterson said,” There are persons who look for quick results in the seed planting of well doing will be disappointed. If I want potatoes for dinner tomorrow, it will do me little good to plant them in my garden tonight. During the stretches of waiting, there is cultivating, and weeding and nurturing and planting still other seeds.”            

Perhaps years back seeds were planted, you didn’t see any fruit and again commitment was made and that planting was done, but we face the weeding and watering stages. Sometimes the fruit of the labor is not seen for long periods of time. Make this year a year of renewal to those things which are worth continuing effort to accomplish in your life. You are assured of failing if you stop trying. This is a time to renew your efforts to things that are worth it. I have books waiting to be read and stories yet to be told.

Try setting some reasonable goals and give them to prayer and commitment. You will be better than if you didn’t try.

Have a blessed new year.    

Pastor Dale Cope

Application:   Post Eph 5:15-17 alongside yesterdays verse somewhere in your home or car.

Prayer:   Lord, help me to view all my goals under the umbrella of Your Will