Seeking Peace - Matt 5: 9
July 8, 2024, 8:00 AM

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.

Since the attack of 9/11/01 we have been at war with Muslim terrorists. Worldwide unrest is further fueled by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, their hacking into elections of democratic countries, and expectations of interference in the upcoming U.S. Presidential and congressional elections this fall.. We witness Israel retaliating against the attacks, kidnappings, and confinement of citizens by Palestinian Hamas radicals. 1,000s have died with this conflict.

Different unrest is heightening with protests over the Supreme Court ruling on Roe vs Wade injustices, as well as their decision about presidential immunity wrongdoing he may have committed during his official acts while in office.

Political disagreement causes stalemates in our Congress and legislature at both national and state levels. Greed, selfish interests and self-preservation dominate the world with little or no care for general populations.

We live in a world that has no easy answers for peace. We can rally around the cry for justice, and retribution, but it still means people dying, crying, hurt, maimed, and suffering. How can there be peace when unrest dwells within our hearts?

There is a problem for peacemakers. The task is beyond human capabilities. We hope for successful talks with countries of the world. Ultimately it isn't important who begins the process of achieving, but we want it to correct wrongful aggression. We want peaceful resolution to war within and without.


When Jesus talks about peace in the Beatitudes, He also prepares His followers for persecution. That seems odd, doesn't it? If one is at peace there should not be persecution; if one is being persecuted there isn't any peace.

Persecution will not be in the Kingdom to come. It happens now. We are at war-a different war, a spiritual battle with a different enemy.

The pursuit of peace must involve reconciliation. This starts with the church.

Creation began with the peaceful existence in the garden of Eden and concludes in Revelations with the joy and peace in the forever dwelling with God. We are told this happens when Satan has been thrown forever in the bottomless pit. Peace was interrupted was when Satan appeared on the scene. The first couple yielded to temptation. Since then, “Shalom” translated from the Hebrew to mean peace, isn't just the absence of war. Shalom means a desire for everything which makes for the highest good. It seeks reconciliation of man with man, of man with himself and with God.

What the peacemakers in the world strive to do is to reconcile enemies. Biblical peacemakers are not necessarily quiet, easy-going people who do not want to make waves, who are compromisers and appeasers for the absence of conflict. Instead, they seek the cause of the problem for the disharmony, address sin, and correct Biblical misunderstanding.

Application:  Where in your life do you long for peace? What keeps you from it? Are there things you can do to enhance reconciliation?

I hope to add to our understanding of being peacemakers in the next days.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, teach me in every circumstance to do whatever leads to peace.