“But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
Jesus said, even more importantly than not having sex outside of marriage is not to even think about it. If you look upon a woman to lust after her you have already committed adultery in your heart. Of course, as Jesus contrasts His commands to the Pharisees who thinks they are self-righteous if they have not had sex with someone other than their spouse.
A good godly man in my church in Detroit surprised me by saying "if any man denies this, he is a liar and has both lied and committed adultery." I was surprised for two reasons, I would never think this fellow would admit that he lusted. Secondly, I knew what he was saying. For I have been guilty too.
Lust is not wrong because it might lead to adultery. Lust is the cause of an adulterer’s heart. We must first confess our sin to God and recognize sanctification is His work in our lives to be pure in body and mind.
Jesus knows where sins of the mind lead to. He also knows Satan gains victory of more than the body but also the mind. In appearances there is a difference in looking attractive and looking seductive. There is a difference in being friends with someone of the opposite sex and letting our mind play sinful fantasies we may think is harmless.
Studies show that repeated exposure to pornography often results in compulsive and deviant behavior and even sex crimes. After treating more than 240 sex offenders Dr. Victor Cline, a clinical psychologist and professor at the U of Utah, determined the exposure to pornography led to their deviant behavior. The U of New Hampshire study found that the states with the highest rape rates also had the most porn readership.
This morning (Tues, Aug 13)) there was an attempt to kidnap a 7-year-old girl in Michigan. The person who helped save the girl was a member of Citizens on Patrol in Sterling Heights. The girl was screaming and the volunteer pulled the suspect out of the car and held him until officers arrived. They discovered the suspect was wanted for a previous attempted kidnapping of a teen earlier in the day. This man already had it in his mind to perform sex on young victims.
Pornography degrades women as sex objects and presents unnatural sexual stimulation. What captures your mind? What triggers thoughts that you know you ought not be messing with? Ask yourself would Jesus watch this? Would Jesus linger at internet photos sexual in nature or read certain books? When our minds are dwelling on that which is against God's purity, we need a cleansing of our minds like Jesus cleansed of the temple.
The good news is there is help, forgiveness, and freedom from sexual and pornographic addictions, but like all sin it must be faced and aided with the encouragement of others in real love. It is wise to have an accountability partner or group.
Application: If you need help, reach out to a godly confidential source.
Prayer: Lord, my heart need You. Cleanse my mind of anything that is not pleasing in Your site just as You cleansed the temple.