Peter’s Principles - A Willing Worker - 1 Peter 1:1
April 25, 2023, 8:24 AM

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God's elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia,

I thought of Peter, I realized he was a doer. His impulsiveness sometimes got him into trouble, but God created him with the gifts and abilities that allowed him to be used in his unique and different way. He learned to be a willing worker, after he chose to follow Jesus’ command on his life. Knowing Christ completely changed him, he still had the same personality and natural abilities, but given to the Lord, those were used in addition to His Spiritual gifts to allow God to change the world through him.

Peter had zeal unlike most of his fellow apostles. He was the first and only one out of the boat in the Lake of Galilee. He was the first and only one to draw a sword to protect Jesus. He was the first one to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, the Son of the Living God. He was the only one to swim to shore when he recognized it was Jesus speaking to them after His resurrection.

He was confronting, extroverted, impulsive, a guy whom God wanted to give great leadership to the church. He was a doer. He was a mover and shaker.

When the Bible tells us that the Lord called Peter, he immediately forsook everything and followed Jesus. You knew what he thought and why. At one point he promised faithfulness and next he denied knowing Jesus. He had zeal, but was weak. He could go to Jesus and say it straight. "Depart from me; for I am a sinful man." He could admit his sin instead of trying to cover it up like most folks do.

Think of Peter's life. He was called by Jesus, picked to be a spokesman. He was told that he would be a witness and be empowered with the Holy Spirit. Was it any wonder that Peter did not spend his time talking about himself, but the God who chose him? Now he reminds those who were suffering for their faith, to stop thinking of themselves and remember what God did. That's Peter's principle.

Many of the believers were suffering for their faith in 65 AD when he wrote them this letter. They were rejected by their families and leaving their homes.

In his letter Peter starts to teach them about: Election, Separation, Foreknowledge of God, Sanctification, Salvation, the work of the Trinity, the Mercy of God, the Assurance of Heaven, the Security of the believers, the Second Coming of Jesus, Faith, and Divine Protection.

One of the best encouragers, when we are going through tough times, is someone who's been through it all and tells us how. Peter’s life becomes the badge of authority. He has the right to speak to the persecuted church.

Application and Prayer:  Lord God, as I read and study Peter’s principles, help me to learn from him and the words given to him by the Holy Spirit.