Unpredictable. - Ecclesiastes 9:1.
March 20, 2023, 8:20 AM


The Unpredictability of Life

Eccl. 9:1

“So I reflected on all this and concluded that the righteous and the wise and what they do are in God's hands, but no man knows whether love or hate awaits him.”

Last week we reflected on the predictability of death. Because we all die, it makes a difference how we should live. This week is another side of the argument. Life on this earth has no guarantees. There are principles to live by, but as far as this world is concerned, those principles do not always produce predictable results. We are constantly surprised as to what happens in our world and in our lives.

The works that we accomplish in this life are the basis of our rewards in the next as believers. We cannot earn our rewards after the grave. Once again, we are not talking about our salvation. That is won for us by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and it is gift of grace through faith.

There are some ditties- "Now I get me up to work, I pray the Lord I may not shirk. If I should die before tonight, I pray the Lord my works' all right." Another said, “When my life on earth is past only the work for Christ will last.” What are we doing for Him? We do not know how long our life will be on this earth. We do not know what will happen tomorrow. We have no guarantees of health or wealth or poverty or illness.

The hedonist philosophy of old says, "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you may die." Live it up while you can for this is as good as it gets. Let me say something I hope you do not miss, if you are outside of faith in Jesus Christ, this life is as good as it gets. It will not get any better than this. You might as well make life as fun as you want, fulfilling any and all desires, for after this life is over there is the judgment and eternal hell. But for those who have faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and seek to live for Him, this life on earth is the worst it will ever get. All the problems and troubles of this earth is the worst hell you will ever experience, for He has prepared a place for eternity that in His presence will be joy everlasting. Are you prepared?

Making our choices of preparing for the predictable and living in a world of unpredictability, must rely on faith. Faith is trusting in God’s work and His promises that He will carry out what He has promised.

As we look more closely at verses 11-18 this week the emphasis, I want us to think about is how to live in an unpredictable world. We who have believed in Christ and sought to make Him Lord over our lives have the power and presence of the Holy Spirit to be our guide and our comfort in this unpredictable world. For that give praise this day. Ask the Lord to use you. Pray offering yourself to be available in little and big ways. Be obedient to what you know God wants for you.