Light is to be Shown - Matt 5:15b-16
July 24, 2024, 7:00 AM

15b. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  16. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

Light highlights or becomes the focus of our attention in some situations. Whenever there is light in darkness the center of focus is on the light. “So let your Light shine that men may see your good works.”, Jesus said.    

Many advertise through lighted signs. There are signs on Hwy 65 that are lit up and scrolling that capture our attention as well as give information. People see it from a distance. They are particularly effective after dark.

A lighthouse gives focus to ships. It shines so it can be seen. It was useful for navigation. During the war and in time of battle overseas a country or city sought to have a blackout so the enemy could not as easily locate targets. People can stay in hiding and not be seen in the dark, unless there are infrared glasses locating targets based on heat that outline figures in the dark.   

I am sure that many of you have been up in an airplane at night. It is a fantastic sight to look below and see the lights of the city. It is so obvious to see the roads and the car lights over the plains and farmlands. When I fly over a city, I find the color of lights awesome. My eyes are automatically drawn to where the light is shown.   

Christians cannot be hid. We are to be on display with good works. We don't cheat the boss. We don't steal from our employer. We are honest in representing our car that we are trying to sell. We are fair in business and not gossip about others. We are kind to those who are mean to us. We are friends to others who are made fun of. Christians are to be people different than the world. We are to act like Jesus would act even if we were made fun of.   

Keith Brooks related a story of a student who had some potatoes sprout in the darkest corner of the cellar. At first, he couldn't figure out how they had gotten enough light to grow. Then he noticed that the cook had hung a copper kettle from the ceiling near a cellar window. She kept it so brightly polished that it reflected the rays of the sun onto the potatoes. He thought, we can be copper pots catching rays of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and reflect His light to some in a dark corner. The spot where God has placed you needs His light. If you are walking in fellowship with the Lord, be a clean reflector of His character. People will see Jesus in you and be blessed. "

Appplication:   Be the light!  The song goes, "Out in the highway and byways of life, many are weary and sad, Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife, making the sorrowing glad. Lord, Make me a blessing to someone today"

Prayer:   Lord, help me to be a clean reflector of Your character that I might be a blessing to someone today.