Definition of Fasting - Matthew 4:1-4
January 21, 2025, 8:00 AM

1Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” 4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’

One defines fasting as a voluntary withdrawing from food and/or drink, or other fleshly appetites, for a specified period of time. Fasting is not limited to the abstinence of food. Practically any meaningful activity can be considered as an appropriate candidate to be fasted. Generally, refraining from eating, drinking or other activity is not just for physical reasons, but spiritual reasons. In the Bible people would fast to intensely pursue God and seek His face and wisdom.

There are three basic types of fasting mentioned in the Bible:

There is a normal fast.

Jesus taught His disciples to fast. It was never commanded but assumed. It’s not something a Christian has to do, but can choose to do. There are not lots of guidelines put down in detail. The practice of a normal fast was simply to have no food, only liquids like water or juice for one meal one day to three days or longer. Judges 20:26 speaks of a one day fast. That’s a good place to start! Paul did a three day fast right after getting saved. There are examples of a 40 day fast.

There is a partial fast which is  good if you have diabetes, hypoglycemia, or some other condition which precludes a normal fast. In the partial fast you omit certain foods for a while, but not others. 

Many will practice lent – a 40 days prior to Easter and give up something. It might be desserts, or meat. It might be a habit. We see in the book of Daniel; he and three Hebrew children did a partial fast. At the end they were stronger and healthier than those eating what they wanted.  Some give up meats for a time, eating only vegetables. Periodically I participate in partial fasts just skipping a meal to spend time in prayer.

The absolute fast is where you eat no food or water. Nothing goes into your mouth for 1-3 days. Although Moses went on this kind for 40 days. It can be done for a very short time. It’s wise to consult a doctor if you are going to do it.

Fasting is a discipline which tries to recapture our hunger for God. It says to God, “I am willing to forgo anything in order to be in your presence.” Fasting provides an atmosphere whereby we are prepared to face up to the dulling effects of food and all those things which we continually nibble on. Jesus began His earthly ministry with prayer and fasting.

Some churches practice Lent - recommending members give up some things that get in the way of prayer and things that take us from family like television, internet, video games, or other vices.

Application:   Ask the Lord what it is that you can fast from that might be drawing you away from Him.

Prayer:   Lord, direct my steps to not settle for the good, when I can have he best.   Show me anything that I should fast from to draw closer to You.  Then guide me in prayer during those times.