Reputation of Godly Works - 2 Kings 8:1-6
May 28, 2024, 8:00 AM

Click here to read:   2 KINGS 8:1-6

A few weeks back we talked about when Elisha was used of God to raise the Shunamite woman's son back to life. (2 Kings 4). It was talked about of course, for years afterward.

This lady was warned by Elisha to go to Philistines because there was to be a severe famine for 7 years. When she returned home and found that her property was confiscated. She went to the King to beg for her property back. At just that time the king was visiting with Elisha’s servant. They were conversing about the boy that was raised to life by the miracle worked through Elisha.

Gehazi was surprised to see the woman and her son and introduced her to the king. He was so impressed he ordered an official to see to it that she had her property returned. It was exciting for the king to see one who experienced the miracle.

When people talked about Elisha, he had a reputation for his good works. They remembered what God did through him, works done by and for the Lord.

Good reputations of Christians became of the talk of the community in those first century days. The disciples were preaching the good news, but also healing and ministering to those in need. They were known for their good deeds.

What type of reputation does your church have? I was proud to be associated with the reputation of Stanchfield Baptist Church when I first came as pastor. I received a call from Isanti County Public Health Services requesting help in a particular matter because of the positive reputation of our church. We had also gotten referrals to our food shelf program from another government official. I asked why they sent them to us instead of another closer agency. I was told because if they really needed immediate help Stanchfield Baptist came through. That made me feel good. Many in church were caring for foster children. We had a class for special needs individuals and the list went on.

We were not perfect. You will find some have been hurt or offended about something and are upset with the church. Sometimes it is because what is said or done doesn't always reflect the attitude of Christ, but sometimes it is because people don't get their way or wants. Many were also upset with Elisha. It was not a matter of being popular.

Our reputation follows us with criticism as well. We preach against sin. Some do not like that. I just wish people could realize the sad effects on homes and people that such compulsive vices of drugs, alcoholism, gambling, immorality really produce.

Application: Elisha had a reputation for godly works; What are you known for?

Prayer: Lord, teach me to be Your hands and feet so that others “may Glorify My Father in heaven”.