The Death of a Saint, Influential in Sickness - 2 Kings 13:14
June 4, 2024, 9:33 AM

Now Elisha was suffering from the illness from which he died. Jehoash king of Israel went down to see him and wept over him. "My father! My father!" he cried. "The chariots and horsemen of Israel!"

When Elisha was sick unto death the king came and wept over him. Prophets waited upon kings, not kings upon prophets; If a king came to a prophet's house, it was likely to be on an errand of vengeance, not always one of kindness and sympathy.

The king prayed, "O my father! The chariots of Israel, and the horsemen thereof", the very words which Elisha himself had used at the assumption of Elijah. Perhaps he thought Elisha would be like his predecessor. Elisha was ready to go and showed no emotion concerning his own life or longevity at this point. Elisha knew that he was on his death bed.

The Scriptures said he suffered an illness. Being a man of God who served and loved God like he did, did not keep him from suffering physical sickness. It is not true that if you suffer, something is wrong. Job was accused of harboring some sin in his life. Suffering is not necessarily punishment for a specific sin. It is part of the curse of this world.

When I was a student, I wrote a paper on pain because I had a hard time facing suffering patients. I felt I had no real word of comfort for the person in extreme pain. The worse the pain the less I felt I could minister.

Corinthians recognized some suffering is from the hand of Satan. Paul in 2 Cor. 12:7-10 speaks of a thorn in his flesh used to keep him humble and in weakness so that the strength of God would be manifested in his life. The afflictions of a Christian are often designed by God to achieve the comfort and salvation of those around him. Elisha still points Jehoash to God and does not center in on his personal sickness.

There are mysteries we may never understand, but pain should never be that which stands as a barrier between us and God - only that which causes us to cling stronger to Him. He promises that He will not tempt us beyond what we are able to bear. (1 Cor. 10:13) The saints of God may undergo pain and suffering to show the world that God is still worthy though it all.

No reason is given for Elisha's suffering, but he did. That helps me to know that there will be strength in suffering for me too, if God should choose that path for me. If we total up the years of which the various kings reigned over Israel, who were outlived by our prophet (beginning with Ahab), we can determine he was a very old man. Elisha was not healed. There is a sickness unto death. God is still God and does not need our understanding for Him to do His work, His way, and in His timing. God was not done with him yet. Elisha still had a message to share with the King.

Prayer:  Lord, I lean on Your everlasting love. I know that nothing can touch my life without passing through your fingers of love. I pray today for all those that are suffering, that You strengthen them, relieve their pain and if it be Your will, heal them.