The New Year is an opportunity to think about what changes you might want to make in the next 12 months. The Bible says Psalm 90:12 “teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” It is wise to think of some things that need changing in our lives.
There have been people who have passed away and others who have had life changes this past. Others have moved to new homes or residences. Others have become infirmed and unable to get out like they used to do.
What about the things over which you have had some control? Certainly, sin would fall in that category. Priorities that are misplaced might fall in that category, the way we might have ignored others or not helped when we knew we could have.
This year 2024 is past. There is nothing more I can do about it other than learn from it. We look back and realize there are incidents in our lives which we wish never happened. Sins that plague us and even turning the clock back can’t change the consequences. I wonder how often people wish they could re-live some days over so they would resist temptation or make different decisions regarding priority of time with family or loved ones who passed away.
For some, events of this year brought some closer to God, for others it drives them further away from the love of God. Some find healing and others hang onto bitterness. Which has it been for you? There are choices you know.
This is an opportunity for change in a new year. We can prune from our lives the good things that keep us from the best things. Even gardeners know that trees are stronger when pruned. Gardeners take off the old branches and the pruning of shoots and bare branches which may not produce fruit. Evaluate time stealers that are good, but good is not the best.
Maybe there are characteristics and bad habits that need changing.
John Wesley was a great English preacher of the 1700’s. He was considered a rather spiffy dresser by some. One Sunday morning he wore a bow tie that had long ribbons that hung downward. After the sermon was over a lady walked up to him and said, "Brother Wesley, are you open to some criticism?"
He said, "I guess so. What would you like to criticize?" She said, "The ribbons on your tie are entirely too long and inappropriate for a man of God." And she took out her scissors & cut them off.
A hush fell over the people standing there as Wesley calmly asked, "Now may I borrow the scissors for a moment?" As she handed them to him, he said, "Ma’am, are you open to some criticism?" She answered, "Well, I suppose I am." He said, "All right then, please stick out your tongue."
What needs to change this year in your actions, speech, and relationships? Maybe the change is for healthier choices for food or exercise or rest or educational goals. Maybe it is a change in your attitude toward someone who you need to forgive and with whom you need reconciliation.
Application: Pray the prayer below daily. Post/memorize/pray: Ps. 90:12 (see above) somewhere in your house or car.
Prayer: Lord I pray that You would reveal to me the things that need to change in 2025. I pray this for myself and others. Thy will be done.