Reputation of a Godly Witness 2 Kings 8: 4,7,10&11
May 29, 2024, 10:00 AM

4. The king was talking to Gehazi, the servant of the man of God, and had said, "Tell me about all the great things Elisha has done."

7. Elisha went to Damascus, and Ben-Hadad king of Aram was ill. When the king was told, "The man of God has come all the way up here,"

10b. “The Lord has revealed to me that he will in fact die.”

11. He stared at him with a fixed gaze until Hazael was embarrassed. Then the man of God began to weep.

One’s reputation can be spread for good or bad as people talk with others. In the land of Israel, Elisha was a topic of conversation among many, as well as in the country of Aram. He was had the reputation for being a “man of God.”

There are many reasons someone might be referred to as a man or woman of God, but typically it’s due to their godly characteristics. Elisha is consistently acknowledged as having the ear of God. He is one through whom God worked. He demonstrated godly qualities.  

Here is an interesting story about of the King of Aram Ben-Hadad. He realized the reputation of Elisha as being a man of God. He instructed his assistant, Hazael, to take gifts to Elisha to have him consult the Lord about the king’s illness.  Would he get better or not? Hazael sought the counsel of Elisha who stared at Hazael until the assistant felt uncomfortable. Elisha wept because he foresaw the harm that was to come upon Israelites though Hazael: including fire, death, violence upon little children, brutal treatment of pregnant women. (Incidentally, similar acts are committed today by some pregnant women and they do not call that sin but “freedom of choice”.)

Hazael’s response was, "How could I, a dog, do such a thing?" Yet, Hazael proved to be more than a dog; his actions were devilish-Hadad was not to die of his illness, as Elisha said. It was not a terminal illness, but he did die due to murder by his assistant.  The next day Hazael suffocated his boss by putting a wet washcloth over his face and violently took the throne.  When we read of this horrible time in Israel’s history, this is indeed what happened when Hazael became king over Aram.  

There is a similar scene in the New Testament, when Jesus wept over Jerusalem because He foresaw its destruction. When people realize the consequences of certain actions and realize there is nothing or very little they can do, it is deeply sorrowful.  

If you had an epitaph on your gravestone, could it say, “Man of God” or “Woman of God” as one who is known to be, “One who walked and talked with the Lord”; One who kept themselves from sinful ways, though they know they are not sinless. I think of people who desire the things above more than the things below.   

When such a person has that reputation, folks will come to them for council, for prayer, to listen and learn. It is not a title one seeks for themselves, it is a description that one gives to another because they see something special in that person’s connection to God. 

Have you been at work or in the neighborhood when people feel awkward cursing or telling off-colored jokes around you? You may not be a minister or clergy person, but you have been identified as one who does not appreciate that type of talk and some feel guilty around you sharing unclean jokes or cursing and gossip.

Elisha had a reputation of being a godly witness, both among those who were the people of God as well as pagans living around Israel.

Application:  How about you? Others may be watching more than you know.

Prayer:   Lord, forgive me for when I have not represented you well and the power that You make avaiable to me.  Empower me to live my life from the source of You.