Diligence Eccl. 9:10
March 17, 2023, 8:28 AM



Eccl 9:10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

This was one of the verses my Mother quoted often at home. It was to encourage her lazy son to become more Biblical. She practiced what she preached. To be idle is to waste time when things could be accomplished.

Mom took up many hobbies and helped many people. She was a working mother in and out of the home. Ruth was somewhat of a perfectionist in her work and took pride in doing it right even if it meant doing it over. She didn’t comprehend my philosophy of “if you don’t see it, it doesn’t exit.” I am not talking about Spiritual things. I was talking about dirt.

Why would she move the refrigerator to regularly clean underneath? I tried to convince her no one would know it. She would retort, “I would know it. Now move that refrigerator for me.”

If she was watching TV she would be crocheting, knitting, darning socks, or her favorite- doing a crossword puzzle. “That isn’t wasting time it is improving one’s mind.” She would say. She also loved to entertain. Fixing meals, doing dishes, or giving a hot dish to a neighbor was not work. It was serving the Lord with busy hands.

Mom was more of a Martha than a Mary. Solomon said in Chapter 3 there is a time for everything under heaven. He could have added, “There was a time to work and a time to rest.” Jesus accomplished all he needed to accomplish in the three years of his public ministry.

I think some excuse themselves from faithful service by thinking they have little or no talent. But God takes what we have and uses it if we are obedient and diligent. Moses continued to shepherd for 40 years until God took that rod in his hand and it became the power rod of God. Samson took the jawbone of an ass and it became a weapon that destroyed the Philistines. Gideon took the lamp and bowl and with the power of God destroyed the Midianites.

Most are not called to lead armies or free people from slavery, but we all are to be a witness for the Lord. We are being watched in the quality of work we do. We do what we do as unto the Lord with our work and with our rest. Col 3:23 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward."