Meditate on Motives Matt. 5:8
July 5, 2024, 7:40 AM

Meditate on Motives Matt. 5:8

” Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”

Purity of heart is to will God's truths and God's value in everything we do. The aim of pure heart is to follow the truth of God and seek to honor Him above all.

God creates a purity for us and in us so that we can pursue purity by His grace. We must seek that gift by praying with David,” Create in me a clean heart oh God” Ps. 51:10. Confess sin and repent of it. Christ gave Himself for us to purify for Himself a people. (Titus 3:14) Happiness is derived from God through seeking a pure heart. It literally means free from impurity, spotless, white, completely clean.

This is a progression along our stair steps from the Beatitudes as we desire God's righteousness; we show mercy to others. Our motivation towards others are no longer to receive but to give. It is not with selfishness, but seeking the good of others. It is more than doing good deeds, it is from a heart made good by Jesus whether someone sees us or not. One can do the right deeds for the wrong motives and that would not be counted as righteousness at all.

I remember a fellow who never gave anything all year to the church, but when the financial year ended there was a push for extra giving. He would give a great sum so that he could get notoriety. He didn't give with the right motive or purity of heart, but gave seeking selfish praise

In Acts 5 we read the story of Ananias and Sapphira who did a very good deed. They desired to sell their property and give it to the disciples for the witness and growth of the church. They changed their minds and kept back portion of it for themselves, yet they told others they gave all their profits. They were looking for the admiration of others. They were lying to God, not men. God's judgment fell on them as a warning to the church. Purity of heart involves self-examination and God examination of our motives as well as deeds.

The one who is pure of heart shall see God. That includes being admitted to His presence because we trusted Christ’s sacrifice for our salvation as well as our forgiveness. We are more aware of His holiness and His character. We will someday fall before Him and see Him as He is. There will come a day when God Himself will dwell among us. His glory will no longer be separated from His people with lightnings and thunder as in Moses’ day, or trembling mountains as Elijah witnessed. David refers to God’s power and presence in roaring seas and constellations of the stars. We will experience Him in glory. He will not hide His face from us.

Finally, seeing God means being comforted by His grace. We will experience His working in and through our daily lives. He is very personal to us.

1 John 2:7 says” If we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ, His son cleanses us from all sin”

These beatitudes are Jesus’ perspective on real happiness. We don't have to wait for His return to receive it. We are recipients of His Holy Spirit today.