Blessings Reserved for the Persecuted - Matt 5: 10,11
July 12, 2024, 8:00 AM

10. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  11. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on My account.

There are blessings that I am not privileged to experience. Those who suffer and die for Jesus are given special blessings on earth as well as rewards in heaven. Like Pastor Troy Borst said in his sermon, “I can honestly say, I have no idea what this passage really means.”

I can relate to him when I reflect on how good I have it. I have been a Christian since I was 9 years old, and I have not been in prison for my beliefs. I have not been beaten up because I am a Christian. I have not even been spat upon for my faith. There are no laws preventing me from freely worshipping my God. I can give a Bible to whomever I want. I am blessed in other areas. I have not been pursued and in hiding because I am a believer. I am so blessed to have had Christian parents. I am so blessed to have the education to be a minister. I am blessed to worship freely in this country.

I have been blessed to talk personally with fellow believers in India and in Russia who have suffered for their faith. I have been in homes where parents were put to death because of Jesus. I have never experienced the blessings that are reserved for those who go through this God-appointed journey.

I ate with a brother in Christ from Sudan who told me his delight in taking the gospel to villages and seeing hundreds come to Christ. His journeys are dangerous, but his joys overshadow earthly safety and even life. I asked him why he did this. He said, “Jesus said to go. He never said I would return." He went on to say the difference between what he saw among western Christians is lack of obedience. They miss out on the depth of the love and presence of Jesus that is experienced.

He experiences more joy than I’ve ever known when so many find freedom in Christ because he is willing to lay down his life. Jesus is talking about being hated and mistreated solely because you are filled with His righteousness and pursue His teachings.

Let me say clearly, God does not ask all of us to follow the path of persecution or death. We have our own calling. Our task is to use our freedoms to fulfill the commandments and live in righteousness.  Take seriously “There is no other Name under Heaven by which we must be saved.” Ask the Lord to lay some soul upon your heart and pray, love and share. People in hardships in closed countries ask for one thing. They ask for prayer. I can do that.  Pray that now.

I also pray that I may have the courage to obey because I am not in danger.  I pray I would live in righteousness in an unrighteous world. I pray I would tell others about Jesus. Even if I am persecuted for my faith, may I continue to pray, “Lord, change my heart to make it more like you.” and then obey. 

Application:   Be aware today how God is calling you to obedience.

Prayer:   Lord, give me the courage to obey, live in righteousness and tell others about Jesus, so that I may experience the love and depth of Jesus.   Lord, change my heart to make it more like You.