Perfect Gift. - 2 Corinthians 9:15
December 26, 2024, 8:00 AM



  2 Corinthians 9:15

  “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift.”


As imperfect as that first Christmas was by worldly standards, God decided this was the best way for people to know He really does care. God loves all the world, not just the religious world, not just the rich world, not just the educated world, not just the world of the high class or the people who think they are better than the others. God wanted the world to know He loves them all.


And, if the truth be known when you read his story without the religious trappings,  you will read of a Jesus who was with the poorest of people all His earthly life. If there is one thing the trip to India did to me, it was to imagine life in Jesus’ day in simplicity and in poverty. He lived in an imperfect world with imperfect people, looked upon by imperfect people because that is the only world we have, and that’s the only kind of people who really need God. We come to Him in the same way, not in our holiday finest, but in reality with our brokenness and our need.


When you wonder why things aren’t going right in your life, think of the stable. When you wonder if God really knows what you are going through, think of Herod who was out to kill Jesus and all the little babies. When you think God doesn’t know what He is doing, think of that first Christmas with all its imperfections and unanswered questions and know God came as the perfect love gift to the imperfect world. The perfect One stepped into the imperfect, in order to make the imperfect perfect by showing us how much we are loved.


Jesus is absolutely perfect in every respect. He was perfect in His pre-incarnate state - - before He ever took on a body. He was perfect in His virgin birth. He was perfect in His sinless life. He was perfect in His atoning death at Calvary. He was perfect In His resurrection. He is now perfect in His intercession for us in heaven and He will be perfect in His second coming for us, in the rapture and in ruling this earth in righteousness forevermore. Thank God for this perfect, unspeakable gift.


I was reading something Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade, wrote on the Uniqueness of Jesus. He was in a conversation with a young, brilliant medical student who had rejected Jesus. The more they discussed, the more the young man became aware of the amazing influence Jesus had in our world. There has been no other person in all of history who has influenced the world for more good than Jesus Christ.  Look at the influence in the social reform. Jesus fed the hungry, healed the sick, comforted the bereaved and loved the outcast.


Jesus’ followers have done the same with schools, hospitals, prison reform and orphanages. No other religion has raised the status of women, stood against cannibalism, fought for the abolition of slavery. We‘re still working on the travesty of abortions and hope someday the world sees the need to save the lives of  babies.


In the area of medicine, Jesus felt compassion on those who suffered from various diseases and cured lepers, healed the lame, gave sight to the blind and taught His disciples to show the same compassion. Believers have cared for and sought to cure the sick ever since. The Red Cross was founded by Christians, rose to care for the ill and encourage public health education and relieve suffering, as is the good work of Salvation Army.


In the work community, Jesus taught the dignity of labor. Believers were admonished to work hard and shun laziness. Monasteries improved agriculture by increasing crop yields. The church also insisted on just price for goods and fair wages for the workers. Reformation inspired dramatic change in world of business by emphasizing every vocation as a call from God.


We can study scientists moved by their belief in the Creator of a dependable universe, make new and vital discoveries. We can reflect on law and government whose goal is social order, justice, and fair treatment of the poor.  We could talk about literature and arts and be in awe of the inspiration they are to reflect on life involving our senses and hearts.


The medical student did conclude that aside from faith, Jesus Christ has had the greatest effect on this world above any other person ever lived.


This perfect gift came into an imperfect world and brought light into our darkness for the good.

