Comparing Concern - Matthew 9:2-5
January 7, 2025, 8:19 AM

2. Some men brought to him a paralyzed man, lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.” 3. At this, some of the teachers of the law said to themselves, “This fellow is blaspheming!” 4. Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts? 5. Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’?

This story shows various people. First there is a large crowd wanting to see Jesus and follow Him around to see and hear what He is going to do and say. The teachers of the law called Him a blasphemer. Jesus knew their evil hearts. The disciples were a different type of followers who saw Jesus as the Messiah and wanted to worship and learn from God. There were also the people who were the recipients of the miracles of Jesus. The ones honored by Jesus were those who showed compassion for their friend and desired he find healing.

These men had a concern for their friend. It does not say if they were family members or not. It does not say much about them, but they had compassion for the need of their friend. That need could only be met by Jesus Christ. They didn't just sit and tell him about Jesus, they brought him to Jesus. Their actions were motivated by concern.

Crowds of people were curious about Jesus. As soon as the word got around that He was back in Capernaum many people gathered. Jesus used this occasion, not to heal immediately, but to preach, which was one of the main reasons for His coming. He was telling people of God's salvation.

It was the custom of that day that an open door was an invitation for all to come, particularly if a rabbi was coming to teach. Jesus’ reputation as a miracle worker certainly attracted crowds. We find in Mark’s gospel this was the case. The house was so crowded these companions could not get in so they carried their friend up to the roof on his mat and lowered him down to where Jesus was teaching. Their friend needed Jesus’ touch as well as forgiveness from his sins. He could not come unless his friends cared enough about him to carry him.

Does your concern for the lost and needy lead you to ask, like those four men in our story, “What can I do?” “How can I help?” How can I further the Kingdom of God?

Unless our hearts are touched to reach people, they will not be brought to Jesus Christ. Someone had concern for you to bring you to Jesus. Sometimes our lives become so isolated from others that we fail to recognize needs and have the desire to help others come to Christ.

It was with concern and compassion Jesus came to a sinful world to be crucified so that you and I could be saved. Let us not stop with you and me, friends. Pray that God would lead people this year, who you know, and lay them on your heart to be moved with concern that they have a meeting with Jesus.

Application:  May our concern for others lead us into action.

Prayer:  Lord God, gie me a heart of compassion for the lost so srong that I will boldly proclaim Your gospel message.   To You Lord, be all the Glory.