Purpose of Fasts - Isaiah 58:6,7
January 23, 2025, 10:50 AM


6. Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen, to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?  7. Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?     

We can gain from this passage and others some of the purposes people’s fasts. Is it the desire of your heart to say no to some things to better say yes to God? It can help us seek God and what He has for us, if that is the desire of our heart. It doesn’t make any difference if others around us know or don’t know that we are fasting.      

Fasting and prayer does not change God, it changes us. God brings about transformation in our character, not the other way around. Are we desirous that God would point out our sin that we might rebuke it and confess it and be free from it?      

Are we admitting we are helpless or ignorant, or need His wisdom and are putting ourselves in a place physically, as well as spiritually, of one who needs to receive insight, strength, or power? Is it the desire to get rid of sins of addiction? Fasting will help with addiction to food, cigarettes, or alcohol, drugs, pornography, or gambling. When temptations are strong, ask God to intervene so we say no to those things in our lives which we do not want to do any longer.      

Richard Foster says, “More than any other discipline, fasting reveals the things that control us.” Thus, it helps us to uncover what is inside. For example, if you are one who eats to feel better, to forget, then the absence of food will make that clear. It can reveal to us just how much pain, pride, or anger is inside of us. If we had a terrible morning and the one thing that might get us by is knowing that we are going out to lunch - suddenly you realize that you are fasting - whoops, you are forced to consider another way of dealing with your feelings.    


John Piper writes of fasting in his book, “Hunger for God”, “Humbly and quietly, with scarcely a movement, he brings up out of the dark places of my soul; the dissatisfactions in relationships, the frustrations of the ministry, the fears of failure, the emptiness of wasted time. And just when my heart begins to retreat to the delicious hope of eating supper at Pizza Hut, he quietly reminds me: not tonight.” Our fasting proves the presence and fans the flame of our hunger for God and through it, God wants to awaken us to the reality of His presence.”    


Some will fast to help solve problems. There is a situation or circumstance that plagues or faces you. Fasting has been a means to seek the face of God for a solution.  When things seem hopeless, what can one do but pray?      

Another desire of heart is to intercede for another. Many will fast and pray for someone who is undergoing surgery or a special need or praying and fasting before some treatment or circumstances or situation in one’s own life.      

I fasted the day I was examined by my ordination counsel until the vote that I passed, and out of intercession my wife joined me in that fast.    


Fasting for revival and soul winning (v. 6) is seeking to “let oppressed go free”. I challenge you to do that this week! Pray for those who do not know Jesus Christ. 

The desire to conquer mental and emotional problems in self or on behalf of others is not eating and using that time in prayer to focus on the need.  

And of course, the desire to raise money for needs of the world to pray for countries are going through devastation. There is a purposeful fast when money is raised for world relief or some other cause.      

Fasting for another person who is undergoing spiritual attacks or perceived illness from Satanic oppression or possession. In Matthew 17 we read Jesus came down from a mountain and saw the disciples in a debate. They could not cast out a demon from a young boy and could not figure out why. Jesus made a significant statement when He said, “This kind can only be cast out by prayer and fasting.” The power of these spiritual opposers needs special prayer, preparation and focus so the need is to not eat or do other things until his delivery is assured.