Addressing Fear - 2 Kings 6: 15 & 16
May 15, 2024, 8:00 AM

15. When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. "Oh, my lord, what shall we do?" the servant asked.

16. "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them."

When the King of Aram discovered where Elisha was staying, he surrounded the city. Elisha’s servant awoke that morning and saw the hills covered with enemy troops. He did what most people would do, what I am sure I would do as well. He cried out, "Elisha, Oh Elisha, look, there is the enemy all around us." He was petrified, scared, and fearful!

Fear is a normal reaction to that which is perceived as a physical or emotional danger, or an emotional reaction to the unknown. Lots of times fear is experienced when there is lack of knowledge or lack of trust. In this case, there was real human danger. It seemed as if their lives were at stake and the servant felt defenseless. He could not see what God was doing.

Fear can let our imaginations run away from us and freeze us to inactivity, or activity that is inappropriate. Extreme shyness is a form of fear. One doesn't put himself out because he's afraid of getting hurt or appearing foolish. He is afraid of not being liked or appearing incompetent before others.

Remember the lesson that Jesus taught His disciples on the sea in the middle of the storm. They left in the calm waters and Jesus fell asleep. It is easier to trust in the day than in the dark when you cannot see and aren't sure of what is ahead. But at night when winds and waves became life threatening, they panicked and awakened Jesus, who rebuked them for their lack of faith.

Jesus told them they were going on the other side of the lake. He didn't tell them they were going to the middle of the lake and then drown. They needed to trust. With Jesus in the boat, they need not fear. In a later story they were in the boat in a storm and Jesus was not with them physically, but He still saw them and knew of their situation. I like this about Jesus. He keeps an eye on you and me.

Isn't it common that people with weak faith see problems and want to escape? God has not forgotten you. He works amidst our fears.

Application:  Kevin’s We would fear less if we re-evaluated our main goals and let Jesus take care of the successes. Can we remain in God's will even if it was a failure in the eyes of others?

Prayer:   Lord Jesus, We know that we need strength in our weakness, and supernatural eyes of faith.  We need to learn what trust is and focus our attention on the One who has the power to do whatever He wants and wills.  We know that we can only accomplish this in you through your word. Amen