Jesus Presents Blessings - Matt. 5:1-3
June 26, 2024, 8:06 AM

“Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them, saying: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven….”

Jesus began to teach them. Surprisingly He tells them how they can be happy and blessed. I can't think of too many who characterize this sermon by the word contentment, but that is what comes to my mind. The source of happiness is Jesus.

The Greek word for blessing or happiness is "makarios" meaning you are living in a state of contentment, fulfilled joy. True happiness is only found in the right relationship with God. Its greatest hindrances are selfishness and sinfulness.

The world will tell us in many ways, "Happy are the rich for they will have an easy life; Happy are they who find success, for life is going their way; Happy are those who laugh and never let life hurt them; Happy are they who have no troubles, for then life is a bed of roses.”

Isn't that what you long for: wealth, no troubles, getting what we want all the time, one great big party?

Most are not rich. Not one I know is without troubles. I know of no one who does not experience sadness and discouragement. The ones that are partying all the time are not doing so because of joy, but are seeking it as an escape from unfulfilled experiences.

Jesus taught His followers to be different from the world and how the world thinks and acts. Christians are to be different in value systems, in ethical standards, in religious devotion, in attitudes of their possession, in ambition, in lifestyle, and in social and religious relationships.

People are seekers of pleasure. The problem isn't the goal, it is the object of that pleasure. Pleasure that is lasting and fulfilling isn't in money, cars, jobs, girlfriends, boyfriends, education or sex. Pleasure in God is a worthy pursuit. For when we seek pleasure in God, we will not be disappointed, nor will it be taken away.

Jesus taught, if you are really going to be my people you will go against the way your friends and relatives will want you to live or even how many church members want you to have Jesus, but not to the degree that you make Him first in all areas of life.

When we know who we are in Christ, we can be like Paul – “content “in every circumstance, whether well fed or hungry, whether in plenty or in want.” As we take a thumb nail sketch of the Sermon on the Mount you will find contentment is a characteristic given to us by God when we are seekers of Him. We are to influence our society around us with godliness even if we are persecuted for it. We are to live the way God wants us to live.

Application: Without commitment to Jesus there is no true contentment, blessing or happiness.

Lord, I seek You. I want Your will with a manifestation of Your Spirit within me so that I can somehow attain the resurrection life You promise in Your Word.