February 12, 2025, 1:00 PM

There really are two kinds of pride. The bad and the good of it. The bad type is when we want to always come out ahead, demonstrating selfishness, conceit and egocentric qualities. We put ourselves before and ahead of others.

There is another type of pride that can be healthy. That is a pride that builds up and encourages one another. That is the kind of pride that gives a good school spirit and encouragement at ball games to help athletes to do their best. That is the kind of pride that wants to see things done and advance, not the expense of others, but with the sense of teamwork to overcome and succeed in doing something well. It is that type of pride where people have a sense of community identity and support and encourage hometown people. Wouldn’t it be good if that was the type of pride that Nazareth would have for Jesus. To be proud of their native son?           

However, it was the sinful pride that swelled up in jealousy that took offense at winners and actually resisted and opposed anyone that didn’t conform. Jealousy is nothing more than pride being attacked by the feeling; they are better than we are. That’s the attitude Nazareth had for Jesus. The rejection of the people said, “How is it that Jesus should have such wisdom, He is just that carpenter’s son? He is just the son of Mary, one of those brothers and sisters. He is not anything special for Him to claim to be the Son of God. That is blasphemy for Him to act this way and for others to act that way concerning Him is sin. Out of their own jealousy, they did not see Christ, but a carpenter and nothing more.

At the synagogue they heard only Jesus speak reminding them they needed to change their attitude, from being jealous, boastful and proud. Sometimes I get upset with the feeling among some Christians that hear about success in other churches or ministries and a sense of jealousy prevails, instead of thanking and praising God for great work He is accomplishing.           

Much of what we see in others, we never see in comparison to our own pride. For instance, in comparing yourself with others: He is lazy, but I am relaxed and flexible. He is cheap but I am careful with my money; He is bullheaded, but I am stable in my thinking; He is too smart for his own britches, but I’ve taken advantage of the educational opportunities; He is a spendthrift. I am generous. He is show off and ham; I am the life of the party, or He is power hungry; I am a leader.           

The hometown people felt threatened by Jesus. They wanted to keep Him in His little box as they knew Him. They wanted Him to stay home and be a carpenter. They were jealous and their pride kept them from seeing Jesus doing many miracles there.

Application:   Keep Your eyes on Jesus.

Prayer:   Lord, keep me from jealousy on any front.   Help me to be an encourager to all who are doing Your work.