“Elisha then left his oxen and ran after Elijah. "Let me kiss my father and mother good-by," he said, "and then I will come with you." "Go back," Elijah replied. "What have I done to you?"
Elisha demonstrated a willing heart by responding obediently when Elijah told him God wanted him for service. Elisha was chosen by God prior to Elijah’s visit. A prepared heart is a heart that knows the Lord and is living for Him. A willing heart is desirous to serve Him according to the gifts He has given us.
In that culture the cloak, or mantle, of the prophet had special meaning. Elijah threw it around Elisha and started walking away. Elisha knew what that meant. It was the outward sign of the call to come and be under the teaching and training of Elijah. The cloak of the prophet was symbolic of His spiritual power from God. This was an invitation to follow God's call.
Yesterday I wrote about my call into ministry. I loved the Lord. I liked people. I enjoyed counseling, psychology and sociology. I was hesitant to speak in front people I did not know. I was shy and would call myself an introvert. I do not think preaching and teaching came naturally. Administration is not something I particularly like nor do I feel gifted in, but I do it because it comes with the job. I am not fond of committee work, finances, and conflict. I am not particularly knowledgeable in mechanical things or trustee type work, but I learned that is part of being a pastor and instead of resenting them, I accepted them. A willing heart isn't a heart that is desirous of things one likes to do, but willing to do things that you do not like to do too if that is part of the task.
Elisha was willing to go, but first needed to bid his parents’ farewell.
Elijah’s response seems somewhat harsh to me, "Go back. What have I done to you?" I personally believe what he is saying is something like this, "I wasn't the one that called you. The Lord did.
I do not think Elisha's desire is wrong. He was making preparations to leave. He was to leave his family and immediate friends to become a missionary to King Ahab and others.
I think of the willingness and desirous spirit of Jim Elliot, missionary martyr. He said, "I dare not stay home while the Quichuas perish; what if the well filled church in the homeland needs stirring? They have the Scriptures, Moses and the prophets and a whole lot more. Their condemnation is written on their bankbook and in the dust of their Bible covers."
Jim Elliot's heart was willing. He knew in his heart he could do nothing else. He had to go as soon as possible, and so did Elisha.
Application: There are many things God has for us to be or do. Most are not called into full time ministry, but all of us are called to be witnesses where he plants us. For some he gives five talents, for others ten, for some just one. Are you willing to use whatever He gives unto the Lord?
Prayer: Lord, make me willing to serve wherever You have called me. Strengthen me to serve faithully.