Death of a Saint - 2 Kings 13:14
June 3, 2024, 8:35 AM

Now Elisha had been suffering from the illness from which he died. Jehoash king of Israel went down to see him and wept over him. “My father! My father!” he cried. “The chariots and horsemen of Israel!”

The Parade Magazine included a little article in death, “How much does your soul weigh?" An experiment by Dr. Duncan MacDougall of Haverhill, Mass. in 1907 moved the bed of a dying TB patient onto a sensitively balanced platform beam scale and kept close watch on him throughout his final hours. At the precise moment of death the beam fell, and the scale showed a 3/4 ounce weight loss. He continues this type of experiment on five others who all showed between 3/8 to 1 ½ ounces weight loss. He also did a similar experiment on 15 dogs of various sizes with no weight loss.

Where will your soul go?

This week we will conclude our long series on the prophets - Elijah and Elisha. As I think of the various Sermon Nuggets on Elisha, he was first called as a young man, a wealthy farmer, who was willing to leave all to follow the call of God and become a disciple of Elijah. God called Elisha and empowered him for service. Comparing the two ministries of Elisha and Elijah I realize they were very different. Elijah was the rugged individualist, while Elisha was more comfortable as a godly advisor to kings, but with many miraculous incidents of his love for individuals. He had served God well. He is now old and passed on the spirit to others. Even in his death I see he was an influence for God.

Just as our lives influence people in various ways, so can death. It is a natural part of our existence since we all die, but it is very difficult to expect life to go on as normal when that person has had a great influence on others,

As we looked at the homegoing of Elijah he passed the responsibility on to Elisha. Elisha has a homegoing of a different nature. Elijah never died the natural death, but the fiery chariots of heaven took him up in a most unusual way. However, the death of Elisha was more in keeping with the natural way of slipping away due to old age or illness. Simply put, his life on earth was over, but his life eternal was not.

All of us will die. But not all of us will have that hope of heaven. Although the Old Testament saints by faith looked to the provision of God, the New Testament believers look by faith to the provision made known, which is Jesus Christ, who died for our sin, was raised again on the third day, and calls us to trust Him for our salvation.

Application: Do you have the same confidence of being forever with our Lord when you die? If not, contact me or someone who can share what the Bible says and how you might have assurance of eternal salvation.

Prayer:  Lord God of heaven, You have told us in Proverbs, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Saints.” Thank you for the gift of eternal life.