20. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
21. Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.
God is not the God of chaos but of order. Every organization must operate with some order and responsibility. If you have a group of children playing together it isn't long before they chose up sides. Someone is appointed leader or captain of a team and a game develops.
God began creation by taking chaos and creating order. Satan has always sought to disrupt that order and bring chaos. God's plan is that He has ultimate authority and order in our lives. Satan's plan is to disrupt that authority and order and make people think they have complete control over their decisions, desires, and actions. Hence, we have not only an authority conflict, but we have a spiritual conflict as well. This in-beds itself within personal conflicts and family conflicts.
God's plan for family is to bring children into the world with the parents having the authority to train and bring up their offspring in the honor and admonition of the Lord; to provide and protect them. Even though our society has changed, even though there are many parents who have given up their authority, even though there are some who have abused and misused their God given responsibility, this was and still is the plan that God has given for nurturing and protecting children. If they cannot do it, then government steps in and does it, but that isn't the first plan of God.
As followers of Jesus Christ, there is a relationship of responsibility as well as authority. It begins with making a strong marriage in which to raise children. There are important roles designed for both the father and mother to play in child rearing. In cases of the father's death or abandonment, God has proclaimed a special category where He gives grace and blessing to those women who bear that responsibility. He gave the church also the responsibility to help single parents which we need to take seriously and more so in the days ahead.
Are there perfect parents? Of course not. Sin, selfishness, and pride creep in. Mistakes and offenses are clearly made, but there is a plan that gives guidance.
Application: Think on these questions and statements: Do kids tell parents what to do? No! Do parents tell God what to do? No! Do kids tell each other what to do? No, unless parents have given one of them that responsibility in their absence. Do parents tell kids what to do? Yes. Does God tell parents what to do? Yes. It is the parent’s responsibility to help teach their children God’s ways. To learn to mature is not just independence from parents, but dependence upon the Lord. That is the order that leads to blessings in the long run.
Lord, You have established the order of marriage and family, of the parent relationship to the children. Father, in all things, draw us in to follow that order by looking to You and Your Word for our guidance rather than the “fine sounding arguments” of the world systems.
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