The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails-- given by one Shepherd. Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them. Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.
All reading, media, internet, music, TV programs and multitude of input needs to be filtered through the truth of the Bible and confirmed by the Holy Spirit. I emphasize HOLY. We are bombarded with all kinds of images, and messages throughout the day. What we see and read does affect us.
I am not opposed to non-religious writings and readings. There are times discerning Christians need to know what is being said and taught, but not to be enticed by lusts to the flesh or lies of the enemy. I need to ask, “How much time should I waste on every new and popular book or movie that is out?” Just because a new TV program is on the air doesn’t mean I have to take time to watch it. How much of that time is given input from God’s truth?
When I was in college, I was surprised how much the professors wanted us to read. My library was full of books. Obviously, study is needed to prepare for sermons and articles in the pastorate. It is one of my addictions. I still have a shelf of books that I want to read this year and doubt it will happen. For recreational reading I still go to the library for a novel. The church library has many good Christian novels and non-fiction material.
In the universities of today, to be politically correct is the trend that causes people to question their values. There was a first-grade teacher complaining to a family because their little girl was dressed as a princess. She was playing games that were not liberating to females. The first grader wanted to wear a pretty dress and be a princess and let some boy come and rescue her from a dragon. The teacher objected. It might have been more acceptable if the little boy came as a princess to express his “inner identity”!
Instead of trying to adapt and change to conform to this world, we need to get back to the Bible and acknowledge there is divine authority. There is divine truth. The Scriptures will be here until Jesus returns and it will not change. By it we can be discerning.
God before you are sucked into the falsehood of the world's lies. Romans 12 tells us not to be molded and confirmed by the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds. What we choose to read, watch, and listen to is part of what molds us.
APPLICATION: Learn to discern and limit the resources and not be taken captive to the amount of material readily available.
PRAYER: O Lord, let Your Word reign in my life. I look to Your Word to equip me with a discerning spirit.