25. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” 26. He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
Jesus rebuked His disciples addressing their lack of faith. How could they fear when He was in the boat? How could they doubt when they had just seen Him perform miracles? Ultimately, it wasn’t just about what they had seen Him do, but who He was. That is the question that moves and strengthens faith. He calmed the waves only because He is the Lord of heaven and earth. One can trust Him no matter what the earthy outcome is because He is eternal, divine, and all supreme.
If you want storms in your life, get close to God and study His word, learn it, and teach it, tell it, and then live it. You may get more storms, but then you get also the miracles.
He first rebuked the storm and then rebuked the disciples. "Why are you so fearful?" He had told them to go to the other side. They should know if that was His command they would not drown. They should have trusted His Word of Jesus by going on to the other side. Hearing the spoken Word of God should be enough to trust.
But this was a storm unlike any other. As soon as they got into deep water, they were in danger. In life it is like that. Everything seems soft and pleasant, but then storms come. Everything seems fine financially, job, family, etc. and very suddenly our lives are turned upside down. Some disease affects you the rest of your life. You weep and ask the Lord, Why? Don't you care, God? Or does the devil attack your church or your family? Don't you care, Jesus? Or if you are following the hearse of a loved one gone too soon. It touches your deep emotions. You miss the one you love. You ask, "Oh, God, why?"
First Question: Don't you Care we perish? This was a stupid question after all that Jesus had done with them in mind. Coming to earth for them, praying for them, speaking for them, touching them, and explaining things to them. Every time there was a problem He solved it. Everything Jesus did was for them.
We should also know better, because we are this side of the cross. Out of the multitudes that are lost He saved us. He sought us. He loved us. He called us from darkness into light. That is the only reason we are embraced by Him. Private and public worship are ours, prayer, witnessing, hearing of the Word, and the expounding of the Word. After all that we have received, we have one little problem then we ask “Why?”.
Jesus never rebuked the disciples of their actions, only their attitudes. Sometimes attitudes are seen in action. Rebuke fear, unbelief, doubt, greed, selfishness, that’s acted upon.
Your life will get better or worse depending on your attitude. With respect toward parents and authority, it is an attitude that lets you make it in life. Respect, honor, and obedience is the path that we are called to follow.
Application: Remember, Jesus goes before us.
Prayer: Lord, I pray that in every storm I may learn the truths You wish me to learn. O God how I need You.