Confidence – Notice the Confidence of Friends - Mark 2:5.
January 10, 2025, 9:17 AM

“When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

Whose faith did Jesus see? Just the paralytic man? No. He saw the faith of all of those men. “When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven you.”

These men had full confidence in Jesus Christ which was illustrated by their faith which was why they could take their concern, share in cooperation and commitment. It was their confidence in Jesus Christ that was honored and complimented by Jesus who carried out more than what they bargained for.

The theologians, recorded for us in both Mark and Matthew, were not thinking about the sick man and his disappointment. They're not thinking about why Jesus didn't heal this poor man's broken body. These are theologians - they're thinking theology. Now, they were right in their theology. Only God could forgive sins. They were just mistaken in who they thought Jesus was.

Jesus commended the men for their faith, and rewarded their faith by forgiving and then healing the paralyzed man.

There are many more who are concerned about physical healing and not spiritual healing. Jesus recognized the deepest needs. Jesus showed them His divine character. We need to have faith in the saving power of the Holy Spirit. Our confidence that Jesus is the answer to those peoples’ problems, that Jesus alone can save them from their sins and that when the Word of God goes forth it will not return void/empty.

The authority of God manifested in the healing of this man produced the amazement of the crowd. Jesus spoke the word to the man to get up and take his bed and go home. The man had a choice to make at this point. It is the same choice you have today. Will you obey the command of Jesus to do what you cannot see how to do yourself? Many of you are not obeying God in an area of your life because you cannot see how you can do it. That is where the grace of God comes in – just at that point of obedience. This man could not see how he could walk, but he obeyed because Jesus asked him to. The power came at that moment to walk. He was healed at the moment he obeyed the command.

The crowd was amazed. But being amazed is not being convinced. We have no indication that this crowd was convinced enough to do something about it and we are sure that the scribes were not convinced. Even the miraculous does not convince those who have already made up their minds.

We must see, today, the determined faith of these men for their friend. It was because of their faith that he received healing. Our faith can have such an effect on others. Because of our faith, others’ lives can be touched, just as this man’s life was touched. People need Christ and we need to be a part of seeing that people hear the gospel. They need to hear how to be saved from their sins. They need to be trusting in the blood of Jesus Christ and have a personal relationship with HIM.

Apply today:   I pray that each person getting this has placed their trust in Jesus as Savior. If you have not, I pray that you would do so today for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Rom. 10:13

Prayer:   Lord, there is so much truth to absorb in this devotion.   Let me not be apathetic in my faith, but trusting You.