There is Hatred for the Holy - 2 Kings 6:24-7:1
May 21, 2024, 1:00 PM

Click here to read:   2 Kings 6:24-7:1

Samaria was the capital of Israel. The king was Joram who was wicked and did not follow the Lord. Yet God was amazingly patient. He offers a second chance for those to whom He shows mercy. How come some people are so thick headed in resisting God and never learn in spite of all the chances God gives to them to change?

Once again there is famine in the city due to King BenHadad's siege surrounding the land. They have cut off the supplies to the city. There was no food. People become desperate when there is no food.

How do we respond when so many in our world sick from hunger? "Help me my Lord", was the cry of one woman. People take advantage of other people during such tragic times. Two mothers were starving and having no milk to feed their babies. No doubt the babies were dying anyway so one suggested to the other to kill her baby and eat it, and the next day she will kill hers so they will have food. The people were literally brought to the place of cannibalism.

the king heard of the cannibalism, he tore his robes and underneath was sackcloth. This was a sign of grief, and sometimes repentance. The revelation of his heart is noted however when he utters a vow to kill the prophet of God. Instead of humbling himself before God and confessing his sins and the sins of the nation he is filled with hatred toward God’s servant, Elisha. He, like his grandfather, Ahab, responded in hatred toward the holy. They have sinned against God, but the haughtiness of their hearts was stronger than the need for humble repentance so, the king lashes out on God by lashing out on his servant. Instead of calling the people back to faith and confession of sin, he vows to murder the one who can help.

I have often been confused over the years as to reasoning behind such strong persecution against Christians. I could understand those who are a physical threat and can do damage with guns and weapons, but when the holy use love and the story of the good news of Jesus Christ, there is strong opposition from the evil one. The forces of evil rise with hatred to attack.

The first step to responding to the good news is admitting your need. The response God desires is humility not haughtiness. It is to confess one’s sin and repent of it.

Application:  Meditate on this:  Jesus said, “The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that what it does is evil.” John 7:7

We see when people go through suffering, even if it is result of their own sin, they tend to blame God or attack the church that dares to speak the truth. May we be found faithful knowing God will make all things right, if not in this life, then in next.

Prayer:  Lord, have mercy on the world, show them Your Son.  Give them a heart of repentance rather than a hardness of heart.