Consequences for the Hard Hearted - 2 Kings 7:2 & 17-20
May 24, 2024, 9:00 AM

Click Here to read:     2 Kings 7:2; 17-20

There will always be those who ignore or disbelieve the word of God. There will be those who in hardness of heart will reject the Good News of salvation. By the mercy of God, He warns repeatedly of the consequences of rejecting or ignoring Jesus. Yet most continue in their hardened ways and refuse to repent or believe.

In this story there is rejoicing of those who heard the good news and received the bounty. Now we see those who heard, but doubted and did not believe. They rejected the miracle of God. This sin was the sin of unbelief.

There were other sinners that were saved, not just the lepers, also the women who ate their babies, king Aram who intended to murder Elisha but God protected. God, in His grace, could accept them in their situation. However, He does not accept those who do not believe the word of God. Had this soldier been guilty of every other sin, if he had believed he would have been pardoned, but his is the damning exception was he had no faith. He saw, but unfortunately never did take and eat himself.

God's promises are true. We can believe them and likewise, God's judgments are also true. Many will see the Lord come in His glory. Many will see Jesus Christ on the throne high and lifted up. Many will see the blessings of the Lord as He shares with the ones saved by grace, but they will not partake - for they have NOT believed the good news. They have not received Jesus to save them. How difficult it must be in the last day when Jesus will say, "I never knew you."

It is easy to give lip service to religion, but how willing are they to act on their beliefs? Commitment to God does indicate a desire to leave sin, to follow the Lord and to leave the bondage of self to be free.

Charles Finney, a young lawyer, was sitting in a village law office in the state of New York. It was very early in the day and he was all alone when the Lord began to deal with him with a conversation that he had. Someone asked him, "Finney, what are you going to do when you finish your course?"

“Put out a shingle and practice law."

“Then what?”

"Get rich."

“Then what?


“Then what?’


“Then what?”

And the words came trembling, "the judgment."

Finney ran for the woods a half mile away. All day he prayed and vowed that he would never leave until he had made his peace with God. He saw himself at the judgment bar of God for four years he had studied law and now the vanity of a selfish life lived for the enjoyment of worldly things was made clear to him.

Finney came out of the woods that evening, after a long struggle, with the high purpose of living to the glory of God and of enjoying Him forever. From that moment untold blessing filled his life and God used him in a mighty way, not as a lawyer but as an evangelist.

The story of God's grace is one who takes a sinner from his lostness into salvation. Those who have experienced God’s love have the task of sharing it. Those that don't respond to God's offer are sentenced to damnation. It is as simple as that.

Application: Pray that God would allow you to share the Good News to someone who hungers.

Prayer: Lord, show me who is hungering for you and give me the wisdom and words to clearly share the gospel with them.