“Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.”
What does it mean to be a follower?
I see on Facebook I can be a follower? Do you want to follow this person? That means very little commitment. To follow someone on Facebook means little more than seeing what he/she posts and get some information about the person and how he/she thinks.
There is a way in which we can be a fan of Jesus. Many are fans. They like Him. He is attractive in some ways by what He said and how He functioned in the world. In today's world, a fan will show up at concerts or lectures, read his/her books and maybe even have an autographed picture. But to be a follower of Jesus is something quite different. It has to do with recognizing His authority in your life and committing yourself to leave your priorities behind to obey Him.
Blind Bartimaeus became a follower. I take that to mean he became a believer in Jesus willing to be one of His crowd. Because Jesus allowed him to see, he now had a whole new world open up to him. It was incredible. Literally Bartimaeus followed Jesus down the road. He did not return back to his family. He did not go to see his friends. He wanted to be attached to the one who made him see. He knew Jesus was the Son of David and He was the Promised One to come.
He was grateful to be sure. When Jesus healed the 10 lepers there were 9 who rushed to their homes and completely forgotten about Jesus, but like the one who came back so Bartimaeus wanted to share in the joy of his salvation knowing Jesus and experiencing what He had to say and do. His healing brought more than a grateful heart; it was a committed heart to follow Jesus and obey Him.
To be a Christian means to be a follower of Jesus, not just a fan. Kyle Idleman who wrote the book, “Not a Fan.” The premise of his presentation included people who lives were dramatically changed by Jesus. They moved from being a religious fan of Jesus to being a complete follower of Jesus.
My concern is that many of our churches in America have gone from being sanctuaries to becoming stadiums. And every week all the fans come to the stadium where they cheer for Jesus but have no interest in truly following Him.
In teaching people what it means to be a Christian, we spend much of our time and effort bringing them to a point of belief without clearly calling them to follow.
How is it that so many Christians live like the rest of the world in terms of values, morals and relationships? Doesn't a commitment to Jesus affect all of life seeking to love, and even sacrifice for others? There is a difference between knowledge and intimacy. There is a difference between knowing about Jesus and choosing to pick what we like with having a personal daily relationship with a living and loving Lord who is active in your life, as frail and feeble as you might feel you are. Do you want Him to have control? Do you want Him to speak through you? Do you really want Him to love through you? We don't mind making some minor change in our lives, but Jesus wants to turn our lives upside down.
To follow means letting Him lead. As one leads then you do what He wants you to do. You are in communication with Him to realize you are available and willing to make Him your Lord.
Application: If you truly were follower of Jesus how would that affect your relationships? Your money? Your hobbies? Your love?
I don't think Bartimaeus just stopped at the end of the road. I think he committed his heart to Jesus and whether he was part of the crowd or not was secondary. He had a life story to tell - once he was blind and now he could see in more ways than just with human eyes.
Prayer: Jesus, You say to us, "Follow Me”. Teach me how to be a true follower, to surrender all I am and do to You. I desire that kind of intimacy.