There is Opposition Through Spiritual Attack.
Matthew 12: 26-28
26 If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? 27 And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. 28 But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Jesus describes how demonic activity can possess a person and have him bound. Spiritual attack comes in many ways to both the Christian and non-Christian, but never so frightening and horrible as demonic possession. People have said they have no control over their actions. It can result in physical, emotional, mental as well as spiritual manifestations.
Jesus points out two kingdoms are at conflict. We are not always aware of the works of Satan or the works of God, but it is going on. When the religious leaders accused Jesus of having power from Satan, Jesus gives us some insight on this spiritual attack. Jesus asks a very logical question: "How can Satan drive out Satanic forces? The word, Beelzebub, literally means Lord, or King of houses. Beelzebub means prince of the demons.
Jesus’ response is more interesting when He makes His illustration fit the literal meaning of Beelzebub. Households will not last long when there is bitterness and fighting. That's why so many marriages break up; houses are divided. Sports teams don't win if they are divided; Churches do not minister, if there is bitterness, infighting and disruption. Satan wouldn't free a man of demonic possession or oppression, he would want more people bound. Their argument just doesn't make any sense.
The primary target of Satan's attack is Jesus. Since the Messiah was to come from Israel, indeed Israel had been under attack. At our Savior's birth, Herod issued a decree to find the Child and slay Him. When that didn't work, the devil tried to conquer Jesus in the wilderness. At the cross, the prince of demons may have thought he finally had devoured the Christ. Since his plan was foiled and since Satan's power was defeated at the cross by Christ, Satan turned his attention to the people of God.
Understand, if you are not part of the kingdom of God, then you are part of the kingdom over which Satan has control and reigns. One minister puts it this way, "Often the kingdom is likened to a Caribbean cruise on a luxury liner. People change into their leisure clothes, grab their suntan lotion, and saunter down to the docks. What a shock it is when they find that entering the kingdom is really more like enlisting in the navy and doing battle with the enemy."
Satan is the accuser of the brethren. The Apostle Paul was given a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass him. Jesus prayed for Peter because Satan sought to sift Him like wheat.
Paul teaches in Ephesians 6 we need to be protected against the fiery darts of the devil. “Watch out for the devil the roaring lion is prowling around seeking whom he can devour.” But praise God, he does not leave us defenseless.
Jesus further illustrates that a strong man isn't going to stand around while a robber is rummaging through the house. He will overtake the weaker robber. The only way the robber can plunder the house is to tie up the strong man. The only way he can do that is with more power than the owner of the house. Jesus was robbing the house of Satan. He took away the demon and allow this man to be free from his power. Jesus is able to bind and control Satan.
Now don't be mistaken. Satan still gets in his licks, but is permitted of only going so far. That is the story of Job. Jesus did permit Satan to sift Peter like wheat. The devil tested him in the most extreme fashion, but his faith never failed. Why? The power of Christ. He wouldn't let Peter fail. "I have prayed for you, that you faith may not fail." Jesus told Peter in Luke 22: 31-32, because He wanted to show the unbreakable strength of the saving faith which brought glory to Himself.
Peter also needed to be able to strengthen other people who would face similar trials. "When you have turned again strengthen your brothers." Peter came out of his ordeal stronger and wiser than ever, equipped to lead the church.
Be aware of spiritual attacks and the provision that Jesus provides,